The Boolean
scalar type represents true
or false
link GraphQL Schema definition
1 scalar Boolean
link Required by
- Account
- AccountCreateInput
- AccountFilter
- AccountUpdateInput
- Affiliate
- Allocation
- AllocationFilter
- AllocationRule
- AllocationRuleFilter
- AtOnceDeliveryWindow
- AtOnceDeliveryWindowInput
- AttributeChoiceElement
- AttributeType
- AttributeTypeElement
- AttributeTypeFilter
- BundleItemOrderLine
- BundleOrderLine
- Buyer
- BuyerCreateInput
- BuyerUpdateInput
- CalculateVoucherInput
- CalculateVouchersCreditGiven
- CalculateVoucherSelectionCustomerInput
- CalculateVoucherSelectionItemDiscountInput
- CalculateVoucherSelectionLineBundleInput
- CalculateVouchersFreeProductGiven
- CampaignVariant
- CampaignVariantFilter
- CampaignVariantSetInput
- Category
- CategoryFilter
- CostPolicyInput
- Country
- CountryFilter
- Currency
- CurrencyFilter
- Customer
- CustomerCreateInput
- CustomerFilter
- CustomerUpdateInput
- DeliveryWindow
- DeliveryWindowCreateInput
- DeliveryWindowUpdateInput
- DimensionsSettings
- DimensionsSettingsInput
- DirectToConsumerInvoice
- DirectToConsumerOrder
- DirectToConsumerOrderCancelInput
- DirectToConsumerOrderUpdateInput
- DirectToConsumerReturn
- DirectToConsumerShipment
- DiscountAction A voucher action can either be an entry point itself, or a "sub-action" of some other entry point action. On a flat list of actions, a sub-action's entrypoint is the recent one above it on the list. You can also check the sub-action's entry point directly via `entryPoint` field.
- Folder
- FolderFilter
- GeneralAccountDiscountInput
- GiftCertificateGenerator
- GiftCertificateOrderLine
- GraphQLAccess
- GraphQLAccessFilter
- Invoice
- InvoiceFilter
- InvoiceLine
- Language
- LanguageFilter
- MeasurementTable
- MeasurementTableInput
- MediaBatchProduct
- Mutation
- NewsletterSubscription
- OpeningDay
- Order
- OrderCancelEmailInput
- OrderFilter
- OrderLine
- OrderLineCampaign
- OrdersLockInput
- PageInfo
- PaymentTerms
- PaymentTermsFilter
- PreorderDeliveryWindow
- Pricelist
- PricelistFilter
- Product
- ProductCreateInput
- ProductOrderLine
- ProductPriceInput
- ProductSize
- ProductSizeCreateInput
- ProductSizeCreateOnProductVariantInput
- ProductSizeFilter
- ProductSizeUpdateInput
- ProductUpdateInput
- PurchaseOrderDelivery
- Return
- ReturnCompleteInput
- ReturnCostPolicyInput
- ReturnLine
- Shipment
- ShipmentCompleteInput
- ShipmentCreateInput
- ShipmentFilter
- ShipmentLine
- ShipmentUpdateInput
- ShippingOption
- ShippingOptionCreateInput
- ShippingOptionUpdateInput
- ShippingSpecifications
- ShippingTerms
- ShippingTermsFilter
- SizeChartFilter
- StockChangeLine
- StockChangeLineFilter
- StockPolicyActionInput
- Subscription
- SubscriptionFilter
- TaxClass
- TaxClassFilter
- TaxRule
- Voucher
- VoucherAction
- VoucherActionCriteriaCreateInput
- VoucherActionResultFreeProductsInput
- VoucherActionResultInput
- VoucherActionResultMultiplierInput
- VoucherActionResultShippingOptionsInput
- VoucherCreateInput
- VoucherFilter
- VoucherUpdateInput
- Warehouse
- WarehouseCreateInput
- WarehouseDeliveryLine
- WarehouseUpdateInput
- WeightSettings
- WeightSettingsInput
- WholesaleInvoice
- WholesaleOrder
- WholesaleOrderCancelInput
- WholesaleOrderUpdateInput
- WholesaleReturn
- WholesaleShipment
- Wishlist
- WishlistFilter