The Float
scalar type represents signed double-precision fractional
values as specified by
IEEE 754.
link GraphQL Schema definition
1 scalar Float
link Required by
- Account
- AppliedTaxRule
- BundleItemOrderLine
- BundleOrderLine
- CalculateVouchersCreditGiven
- CalculateVouchersLineDiscounted
- CalculateVouchersShippingDiscounted
- CampaignVariant
- CampaignVariantSetInput
- Commission
- Currency
- DeliveryWindowAccountDiscountInput
- DeliveryWindowDiscount
- Dimensions
- DimensionsInput Pass 0.0 to unset dimension
- DirectToConsumerInvoice
- DirectToConsumerOrder
- DirectToConsumerReturn
- DirectToConsumerShipment
- DiscountChangeInput
- FloatRange
- GeneralAccountDiscountInput
- GiftCertificateOrderLine
- Invoice
- InvoiceLine
- MarkInvoiceAsPaidInput
- MonetaryValue
- MonetaryValueInput
- Order
- OrderLine
- OrderLineCampaign
- OrderLineCreateInput
- OrderLineVoucher
- OrderTotalPriceRange
- OrderTotalPriceRangeInput
- PaymentHistoryEntry
- PaymentTerms
- ProductOrderLine
- ProductVariantSupply
- PurchaseOrderDeliveryLine
- PurchaseOrderDeliveryLinkedLineCreateInput
- PurchaseOrderDeliveryUnlinkedLineCreateInput
- PurchaseOrderLine
- PurchaseOrderLineCreateInput
- RegisterInvoicePaymentInput
- Return
- SalesRepresentative
- Shipment
- ShippingPriceRange
- StockChangeLine
- Subscription
- SubscriptionPlan
- SubscriptionPlanCreateInput
- SubscriptionPlanUpdateInput
- SupplierProductVariantSetInput
- TaxBreakdownLine
- TaxRule
- TotalItemsPriceRange
- TotalItemsPriceRangeInput
- TotalWeightPriceRange
- TotalWeightPriceRangeInput
- VoucherActionResultPriceDiscountInput
- WarehouseAllocationPriority
- WarehouseDeliveryLine
- Weight
- WeightInput
- WholesaleInvoice
- WholesaleOrder
- WholesaleReturn
- WholesaleShipment