The Int
scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric
values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.
link GraphQL Schema definition
1 scalar Int
link Required by
- AccessTokenCreateInput
- AccessTokenInput
- AccessTokenUpdateInput
- Account
- AccountConnection
- AccountCreateInput
- AccountFilter
- AccountInput
- AccountUpdateInput
- AddressBookEntry
- AddressBookEntryInput
- AdminUser
- AdminUserFilter
- AdminUserInput
- Affiliate
- AffiliateFilter
- Allocation
- AllocationFilter
- AllocationRule
- AllocationRuleFilter
- AllocationRuleInput
- AppliedVoucherFilter
- AtOnceDeliveryWindow
- AtOnceDeliveryWindowInput
- AttributeImageElement
- AttributesAssignGenericInput
- AttributesUnassignGenericInput
- Brand
- BrandFilter
- BrandInput
- BrickAndMortar
- BrickAndMortarFilter
- Bundle
- BundleConnection
- BundleFilter
- BundleItemOrderLine
- BundleItemSubscriptionLine
- BundleOrderLine
- BundleSection
- BundleSectionCreateInput
- BundleSectionInput
- BundleSectionUpdateInput
- BundleSubscriptionLine
- Buyer
- BuyerInput
- CalculateVoucherAdditionalInput
- CalculateVoucherProductDataInput
- CalculateVoucherSelectionCustomerInput
- CalculateVoucherSelectionLineInput
- CalculateVouchersFreeProductGiven
- CalculateVouchersLineDiscounted
- CalculateVouchersUnitPriceDiscount
- Campaign
- CampaignConnection
- CampaignFilter
- CampaignInput
- CampaignVariant
- CampaignVariantFilter
- Category
- CategoryFilter
- CategoryInput
- Collection
- CollectionConnection
- CollectionFilter
- CollectionInput
- Continent
- Counters
- Country
- CountryFilter
- CountryInput
- CountryState
- CountryStateFilter
- CountryStateInput
- Currency
- CurrencyFilter
- Customer
- CustomerConnection
- CustomerFilter
- CustomerInput
- DateInterval
- DateIntervalInput
- DeliveryGroup
- DeliveryGroupInput
- DeliveryGroupLine
- DeliveryWindow
- DeliveryWindowFilter
- DeliveryWindowGroup
- DeliveryWindowGroupInput
- DeliveryWindowInput
- DeliveryWindowVariantFilter
- DeliveryWindowVariantLimit
- DeliveryWindowVariantLimitInput
- DirectToConsumerEmailHistoryEntry
- DirectToConsumerInvoice
- DirectToConsumerOrder
- DirectToConsumerOrderHistoryEntry
- DirectToConsumerReturn
- DirectToConsumerShipment
- DiscountAction A voucher action can either be an entry point itself, or a "sub-action" of some other entry point action. On a flat list of actions, a sub-action's entrypoint is the recent one above it on the list. You can also check the sub-action's entry point directly via `entryPoint` field.
- DiscountActionCriteria
- DiscountActionResult
- Display
- DisplayConnection
- DisplayCreateInput
- DisplayFilter
- DisplayInput
- DisplayItem
- DisplayItemFilter
- DisplayItemInput
- DisplayRelation
- DisplaySortInput
- DisplayUpdateInput
- DocumentTemplate
- DocumentTemplateFilter
- DocumentTemplateInput
- EmailHistoryEntry
- EmailHistoryFilter
- Event
- EventFilter
- EventsConfirmInput
- Folder
- FolderFilter
- FolderInput
- GeneralDocumentTemplate
- GeographyAllocationPrioritySet
- GiftCertificateGenerator
- GiftCertificateGeneratorFilter
- GiftCertificateOrderLine
- GraphQLAccess
- GraphQLAccessFilter
- GraphQLCallStats
- GraphQLUserRestrictions
- GraphQLUserRestrictionsInput
- IntRange
- Invoice
- InvoiceConnection
- InvoiceFilter
- InvoiceInput
- InvoiceLine
- InvoicePayment
- InvoicePaymentFilter
- Language
- LanguageFilter
- LanguageInput
- LocalizedSizeFilter
- LowestPriceFilter
- MappedAttribute
- MappedAttributeAssignInput
- MappedAttributeFilter
- MappedAttributeUnassignInput
- Market
- MarketFilter
- MarketInput
- MeasurementChart
- MeasurementChartFilter
- MeasurementChartInput
- MediaBatchProduct
- MediaBatchProductInput
- MediaSize
- MediaUploadCompleteInput
- Mutation
- NewsletterSubscription
- NewsletterSubscriptionFilter
- NullableAccountInput
- NullableBrickAndMortarInput
- NullableCountryInput Unassigns a country when given an empty object
- NullableDeliveryWindowGroupInput
- NullableProductVariantInput
- NullableWarehouseInput
- NumberSeries
- Order
- OrderAllocationSplitLine
- OrderAttachment
- OrderConnection
- OrderFilter
- OrderHistoryEntry
- OrderHistoryFilter
- OrderInput
- OrderLine
- OrderLineAllocateInput
- OrderLineCancelInput
- OrderLineCreateInput
- OrderLineInput
- OrderLineTaxesInput
- OrderLineUnallocateInput
- OrderTotalPriceRange
- OrderTotals
- PaymentHistoryEntry
- PaymentHistoryEntryFilter
- PaymentTerms
- PaymentTermsFilter
- PreorderDeliveryWindow
- Price
- PriceAlteration
- PriceAlterationFilter
- PriceAlterationInput
- PriceFilter
- Pricelist
- PricelistFilter
- PricelistInput
- Product
- ProductConnection
- ProductFilter
- ProductInput
- ProductMedia
- ProductMediaFilter
- ProductMediaInput
- ProductOrderLine
- ProductSize
- ProductSizeConnection
- ProductSizeFilter
- ProductSizeInput
- ProductSizeStockChangeInput
- ProductSizeStockSetInput
- ProductVariant
- ProductVariantConnection
- ProductVariantFilter
- ProductVariantInput
- ProductVariantSupply
- ProductVariantSupplyFilter
- PurchaseOrder
- PurchaseOrderConnection
- PurchaseOrderDelivery
- PurchaseOrderDeliveryConnection
- PurchaseOrderDeliveryFilter
- PurchaseOrderDeliveryLine
- PurchaseOrderDeliveryLinkedLineCreateInput
- PurchaseOrderDeliveryUnlinkedLineCreateInput
- PurchaseOrderFilter
- PurchaseOrderInput
- PurchaseOrderLine
- PurchaseOrderLineCreateInput
- Query The main queries are here, click to expand
- RateLimit Represents a rate limit window for queries and mutations. Rate limiting is implemented using token bucket algorithm, which means that quota points are replenished at a constant rate up to maximum capacity. The relationship between quota numbers is quota = usedQuota + remainingQuota.
- Return
- ReturnConnection
- ReturnFilter
- ReturnInput
- ReturnLine
- ReturnLineCreateInput
- ReturnLineInput
- ReturnTotals
- SalesRepresentative
- SalesRepresentativeFilter
- SalesRepresentativeInput
- Shipment
- ShipmentConnection
- ShipmentFilter
- ShipmentInfoInput
- ShipmentInput
- ShipmentLine
- ShipmentLineInput
- ShipmentMethodInput
- ShipmentTotals
- ShippingGroupInput
- ShippingOption
- ShippingOptionFilter
- ShippingOptionInput
- ShippingPriceGroup
- ShippingPriceGroupFilter
- ShippingPriceRange
- ShippingTerms
- ShippingTermsFilter
- SingleVariantSubscriptionLine
- Size
- SizeChart
- SizeChartCreateInput
- SizeChartFilter
- SizeChartInput
- SizeChartUpdateInput
- SizeInput Either enter internal ID or external ID or Name
- SizeLocalization
- SizeLocalizationFilter
- SizeLocalizationInput Either enter ID or name
- Stock Quantities in Stock have the following meaning > physical ordered incoming* > / \ / \ / \ > freeToAllocate allocated demand - linked* unlinked* > `demand` is decreased by `linked` quantity when supplier module is enabled > > `unshipped` = all ordered items which are not in a "sent" shipment > > `availableNow` = `freeToAllocate` - `demand` > > `available`* = `availableNow` + `unlinked`* > > `on delivery`* = number of incoming items from supplier orders, > which are present in supplier deliveries > *from the Supplier Module **Caution: neither `stockOffset` from `ProductVariant`, nor `threshold` from `Warehouse` are included in the returned `freeToAllocate`. If your integration requires them for stock calculation, you can fetch these numbers and compare to the returned stock values.** [More information](
- StockChange
- StockChangeConnection
- StockChangeFilter
- StockChangeLine
- StockChangeLineConnection
- StockChangeLineFilter
- StockChangeProductSizeInput
- StockFilter
- StockSetProductSizeInput
- StockTotals Quantities in StockTotals have the following meaning > physical ordered incoming* > / \ / \ / \ > freeToAllocate allocated demand - linked* unlinked* > `demand` is decreased by `linked` quantity when supplier module is enabled > > `unshipped` = all ordered items which are not in a "sent" shipment > > `availableNow` = `freeToAllocate` - `demand` > > `available`* = `availableNow` + `unlinked`* > > `on delivery`* = number of incoming items from supplier orders, > which are present in supplier deliveries > *from the Supplier Module **Caution: neither `stockOffset` from `ProductVariant`, nor `threshold` from `Warehouse` are included in the returned `freeToAllocate`. If your integration requires them for stock calculation, you can fetch these numbers and compare to the returned stock values.** [More information](
- StockTotalsFilter
- Store
- StoreFilter
- StoreInput
- StorePlugin
- StorePluginFilter
- StorePluginInput
- Subscription
- SubscriptionContract
- SubscriptionContractFilter
- SubscriptionContractInput
- SubscriptionCreateInput
- SubscriptionFilter
- SubscriptionLine
- SubscriptionPayment
- SubscriptionPaymentFilter
- SubscriptionPlan
- SubscriptionPlanFilter
- SubscriptionPlanInput
- SubscriptionUpdateInput
- Subvoucher
- SubvoucherFilter
- SubvoucherGenerateInput
- SubvoucherInput
- SubvouchersPayload
- Supplier
- SupplierCreateInput
- SupplierDocumentTemplate
- SupplierFilter
- SupplierInput
- TaxClass
- TaxClassFilter
- TaxClassInput
- TaxGroup
- TaxGroupFilter
- TaxGroupInput
- TaxRule
- TaxRuleFilter
- TermsInput
- TotalItemsPriceRange
- TotalItemsPriceRangeInput
- TotalWeightPriceRange
- TranslationFilter
- TranslationsSetInput
- Voucher
- VoucherAction
- VoucherActionCriteria
- VoucherActionCriteriaComparableQuantityInput
- VoucherActionCriteriaCreateInput
- VoucherActionCriteriaInput
- VoucherActionCriteriaXOfYInput
- VoucherActionInput
- VoucherActionResult
- VoucherActionResultMultiplierInput
- VoucherCreateInput
- VoucherFilter
- VoucherInput
- VoucherReusableValue
- VoucherReuseValueFilter
- VoucherUpdateInput
- Warehouse
- WarehouseAllocationPriority
- WarehouseCreateInput
- WarehouseDelivery
- WarehouseDeliveryConnection
- WarehouseDeliveryLine
- WarehouseDeliveryLineConnection
- WarehouseFilter
- WarehouseInput
- WarehouseUpdateInput
- WholesaleEmailHistoryEntry
- WholesaleInvoice
- WholesaleOrder
- WholesaleOrderHistoryEntry
- WholesaleReturn
- WholesaleShipment
- Wishlist
- WishlistFilter
- WishlistInput
- WishlistItem