Centra Integration API

Automatically generated GraphQL API specification for Centra Integration API

link GraphQL Schema definition

1schema {
2# The main queries are here, click to expand
3query: Query
4mutation: Mutation

link Changelog


  • Introduced new batch mutations to set prices: setPricesBatch and setAlteredPricesBatch.
  • Introduced LowestPrice:
    • LowestPrice type was added.
    • lowestPrices query was added.
    • lowestPrices field was added to Product type.
    • lowestPrices field was added to ProductVariant type.
    • lowestPrices field was added to Pricelist type.
    • lowestPrices field was added to Display type.
    • LowestPrice was added to enum type EventObjectType. This means that new events for lowest price changes will be emitted.
    • LowestPrice was added to union type EventTarget.


  • Improved an internal tool monitoring the API status.


  • Ported from v1.30:
    • Internal improvement to the Events system.


  • Fixed an issue with finding sizes of the OneSize size chart.


  • Fixed a bug with the stock mutations.


  • Ported from v1.30:
    • Fixed a bug with detecting completed returns.


  • Fixed an internal issue with the Events system.


  • Ported from v1.30:
    • Internal improvement to the Events system.
    • Added new plugin types:
      • EXTERNAL_TAX_ENGINE was added to enum type StorePluginType.
      • FRAUD_PREVENTION was added to enum type StorePluginType.
      • EXTERNAL_ALLOCATION was added to enum type StorePluginType.
      • EXTERNAL_GIFT_CARD was added to enum type StorePluginType.


  • Fixed an internal error in stock mutations.


  • Fixed an internal error in stock mutations.


  • Performance optimizations for setStock and changeStock mutations.


  • Internal improvement to the Events system.


  • Fixed a bug with detecting completed returns.


  • Internal improvement to the Events system.


  • Added new plugin types:
    • EXTERNAL_TAX_ENGINE was added to enum type StorePluginType.
    • FRAUD_PREVENTION was added to enum type StorePluginType.
    • EXTERNAL_ALLOCATION was added to enum type StorePluginType.
    • EXTERNAL_GIFT_CARD was added to enum type StorePluginType.


  • Ported from v1.29:
    • Fixed an internal error regarding vouchers applied to an order line.


  • Ported from v1.29:
    • Fixed an error with requesting attributeTypes:
      • DeliveryGroup was added to enum type AttributeObjectType.
    • Fixed a basket totals calculation issue in completeShipment.


  • An optional field deliveryGroup on input type ShipmentCreateInput was added.


  • Fixed an internal error regarding vouchers applied to an order line.


  • Fixed an error with requesting attributeTypes:
    • DeliveryGroup was added to enum type AttributeObjectType.


  • Fixed a basket totals calculation issue in completeShipment.


  • Ported from v1.28:
    • Fixed a bug when fetching not available measurement chart for a product.


  • Ported from v1.28:
    • Fixed a bug when identical parameters provided to the StringMatch filter.


  • Ported from v1.28:
    • Fixed a bug with wrong currency conversion on applied vouchers.


  • Ported from v1.28:
    • Fixed an issue with capture for Paypal Commerce.


  • Introduced DeliveryGroup:
    • DeliveryGroup type was added.
    • DeliveryGroupLine type was added.
    • New fielddeliveryGroupswas added to the typeDirectToConsumerOrder`.
  • Introduced new enum types related to gift cards functionality:
  • WAITING_FOR_GIFT_CARD_AUTHORIZATION was added to enum type OrderHoldReason.
  • GIFT_CARD_AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS was added to enum type ResumeOrderReason.
  • Order history supports new OrderHistoryEntryType values:
    • WAITING_FOR_GIFT_CARD_AUTHORIZATION was added to enum type OrderHistoryEntryType.
    • GIFT_CARD_AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS was added to enum type OrderHistoryEntryType.
    • GIFT_CARD_AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE was added to enum type OrderHistoryEntryType.
  • An optional field shippedAt on input type ShipmentFilter was added.


  • Fixed a bug when fetching not available measurement chart for a product.


  • Fixed a bug when identical parameters provided to the StringMatch filter.


  • Fixed a bug with wrong currency conversion on applied vouchers.


  • Fixed an issue with capture for Paypal Commerce.


  • Ported from v1.27:
    • New fields were added to interface Order and both implementations: DirectToConsumerOrder and WholesaleOrder:
      • totals.shippingTaxAdded
      • totals.shippingTaxDeducted
      • totals.shippingTaxIncluded


  • Ported from v1.27:
    • Fixed an internal bug.


  • Added support for reusable values in vouchers:
    • reusableValues was added to VoucherActionResult.
    • reusableValues was added to Subvoucher.
    • startAt_ASC was added to enum type SubvoucherSort.
    • startAt_DESC was added to enum type SubvoucherSort.
    • stopAt_ASC was added to enum type SubvoucherSort.
    • stopAt_DESC was added to enum type SubvoucherSort.


  • Ported from v1.27:
    • Removed store restriction for ShippingOption and ShippingPriceGroup types and shippingOptions query.


  • Changed sorting of order lines so that a main bundle product will be listed after bundle items.


  • Custom attributes can now be accessed and set on the Category level:
    • Category was added to enum type AttributeObjectType.
    • ObjectWithAttributes added to interfaces implemented by Category.
    • An optional field assignMappedAttributes on input type CategoryCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field assignDynamicAttributes on input type CategoryCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field assignMappedAttributes on input type CategoryUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field unassignMappedAttributes on input type CategoryUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field assignDynamicAttributes on input type CategoryUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field unassignDynamicAttributes on input type CategoryUpdateInput was added.


  • New fields were added to interface Order and both implementations: DirectToConsumerOrder and WholesaleOrder:
    • totals.shippingTaxAdded
    • totals.shippingTaxDeducted
    • totals.shippingTaxIncluded


  • Fixed an internal bug.


  • Removed store restriction for ShippingOption and ShippingPriceGroup types and shippingOptions query.


  • Ported from v1.26:
    • Performance improvement of the internal call summarizing token usage.
    • Internal infrastructure-related issue resolved.


  • Internal improvements.


  • Ported from v1.26:
    • Fixed a bug when unassigning a mapped attribute.


  • Improved performance of the Events system.


  • Fixed an error when a non-existing warehouse is used in the setStock mutation.


  • Internal improvements.


  • Internal infrastructure-related issue resolved.


  • Performance improvement of the internal call summarizing token usage.


  • Fixed a bug when unassigning a mapped attribute.


  • Ported from v1.25:
    • Fixed fetching customers from invoices.


  • Fixed a CI issue.


  • Ported from v1.25:
    • Internal improvement.


  • Ported from v1.25:
    • Fixed a case when a remote server is ahead of our time.


  • Changes to the rate limits.


  • Fixed fetching customers from invoices.


  • Internal improvement.


  • Fixed a case when a remote server is ahead of our time.


  • Ported from v1.24:
    • Internal improvements to the Events system.


  • Ported from v1.24:
    • Shipment creation with allocateDemand: true now works for Direct to customer stores too.


  • Ported from v1.24:
    • An optional field grandTotal on input type OrderFilter was added. It can be used to find orders within a range of total values like {from: 100, to: 150} (combined with currencyId), {from: 1000} to find "big" orders, or {to: 0} to find "free" orders.
    • Fixed a bug related to resolving taxes applied to an order.


  • Ported from v1.24:
    • Fixed a bug related to unsetting translations.


  • Ported from v1.24:
    • Improved stability of the event system.


  • Added Return.refundPaymentHistory, a direct relation between returns and refunds. In specific cases (failures, asynchronous requests) there may be more than one refund entry for a given return.
  • PaymentHistoryEntry.return relation was added for refund transactions. Mind that only new refunds will have it populated.


  • Internal improvements to the Events system.


  • Shipment creation with allocateDemand: true now works for Direct to customer stores too.


  • An optional field grandTotal on input type OrderFilter was added. It can be used to find orders within a range of total values like {from: 100, to: 150} (combined with currencyId), {from: 1000} to find "big" orders, or {to: 0} to find "free" orders.


  • Fixed a bug related to resolving taxes applied to an order.


  • Fixed a bug related to unsetting translations.


  • Improved stability of the Events system.


  • The orderAllocationSplits now also supports the check-first allocation flow by introducing a new allocation status:
    • WAITING_FOR_CHECK_FIRST_REALLOCATION was added to enum type AllocationStatus.
    • An optional arg where on Query.orderAllocationSplits was added.
    • Query.orderAllocationSplits arg allocationStatus has changed defaultValue. It's also deprecated in favor of the where argument.


  • Ported from v1.23:
    • Fixed a bug when using a store-restricted token with some queries.


  • Ported from v1.23:
    • Fixed a bug related to a campaigns applied to order lines.


  • Introduced a new field isWaitingForCheckFirstAllocation
    • Field isWaitingForCheckFirstAllocation was added to interface Order and both implementations: DirectToConsumerOrder and WholesaleOrder.
    • An optional field isWaitingForCheckFirstAllocation on input type OrderFilter was added.


  • Ported from v1.23:
    • Fixed a bug related to updating comments in update*Order mutations.


  • Fixed an issue with domains for generateSubvouchers.


  • An optional field identifiers on input type SubvoucherGenerateInput was added.


  • Ported from v1.23:
    • Fixed a rounding bug in taxes.


  • Ported from v1.23:
    • Fixed a bug related to the order tax saving on zero-taxed lines.


  • Ported from v1.23:
    • Order lines added via update*Order mutations will now display variant number instead of product number.


  • [BREAKING] Mutation.removeSubvoucher was removed. Use Mutation.removeSubvouchers instead.
  • [BREAKING] SubvoucherRemovePayload was removed.
  • Improved performance of the Events system.


  • Fixed a bug when using a store-restricted token with some queries.


  • Fixed a bug related to a campaigns applied to order lines.


  • Fixed a bug related to updating comments in update*Order mutations.


  • Fixed a rounding bug in taxes.


  • Fixed a bug related to the order tax saving on zero-taxed lines.


  • Order lines added via update*Order mutations will now display variant number instead of product number.


  • Ported from v1.22:
    • Fixed an issue in anonymizeOrders for orders without email history.


  • Fixed a bug related to the order tax history saving.


  • Fixed a bug when the order tax breakdown was showing an incorrect data.


  • Ported from v1.22:
    • Internal improvements.


  • Ported from v1.22:
    • A new field addressBookEntry was added to the WholesaleOrder type.


  • Internal improvements.


  • Fixed an issue in anonymizeOrders for orders without email history.


  • Internal improvements related to events.


  • A new field addressBookEntry was added to the WholesaleOrder type.


  • Ported from v1.21:
    • Fixed a bug in generateSubvouchers when generating numerical codes.


  • Fixed an issue when adding new lines for Wholesale orders didn't assign delivery windows.


  • Fixed a bug when an email is provided in anonymizeCustomers mutation.


  • Fixed a bug when StockPolicyActionInput is not provided in [DirectToConsumer|Wholesale]OrderUpdateInput.cancelLines. It includes the following change but in fact it's not breaking as the field has a default value:
    • [BREAKING] OrderLineCancelInput.stockActionPolicy changed type from StockPolicyActionInput to StockPolicyActionInput!.


  • Fixed a bug when a nullable price is provided in the setSupplierProductVariants mutation.


  • The createProductVariant mutation will now copy/inherit prices from product.


  • Ported from v1.21
    • An optional field id on input type SubvoucherFilter was added.


  • New mutation anonymizeCustomers was added.
  • New mutation anonymizeOrder was added.


  • Fixed a bug in generateSubvouchers when generating numerical codes.


  • An optional field id on input type SubvoucherFilter was added.


  • Fixed a bug when a non-existing warehouse external ID is provided in the setStock mutation.


  • Fixed a bug when adding markets to a display would not work.


  • Ported from v1.20:
    • Added a warning about preorder lines not being allocated by the allocateOrder mutation.


  • Fixed a bug in applying taxes to shipments.


  • Ported from v1.20:
    • Changed the allocateOrder mutation to allocate preorder lines for DTC orders; previously they were silently skipped.


  • Ported from v1.20:
    • Fixed a bug about not attaching payment date to invoice payment date.
    • Fixed stock calculation from ProductSize and ProductVariant in regard to warehouses hidden from stock view.


  • Ported from v1.20:
    • Fixed a bug about detecting mismatched currencies while capturing.


  • New mutations generateSubvouchers and removeSubvouchers were added.
  • New mutations assignAttributesBatch and unassignAttributesBatch were added.
  • Fixed an issue related to set "0" as localized size name in setLocalizedSizes mutation.


  • Added a warning about preorder lines not being allocated by the allocateOrder mutation.


  • Changed the allocateOrder mutation to allocate preorder lines for DTC orders; previously they were silently skipped.


  • Fixed stock calculation from ProductSize and ProductVariant in regard to warehouses hidden from stock view.


  • Fixed a bug about not attaching payment date to invoice payment date.


  • Fixed a bug about detecting mismatched currencies while capturing.


  • Fixed a category sorting issue.


  • Ported from v1.19:
    • Fixed a bug with extra category validation in the updateDisplay mutation.
    • New query centraIPs was added.


  • Ported from v1.19:
    • Fixed a bug related to using already deleted deprecated fields.


  • Added validation to disallow passing false into ReturnCreateInput.returnStockActionPolicy.removeItemsFromStock and ReturnCreateInput.returnStockActionPolicy.releaseItemsBackToWarehouse


  • New query centraIPs was added.


  • Fixed a bug with extra category validation in the updateDisplay mutation.


  • Fixed a bug related to using already deleted deprecated fields.


  • Ported from v1.18:
    • Fixed a bug in internal logic related to events.


  • Added a possibility to fetch externalId on all entities which have ID Conversions. Now it's possible to search by, filter by, and fetch external IDs.
  • AdminUser was added to enum type IdConversionEntryObjectType.
  • More order related activities will be tracked in order allocation history, review below OrderHistoryEntryTypes for full list.
    • DIRECT_ALLOCATION was added to enum type OrderHistoryEntryType.
    • DIRECT_THEN_CONFIRM_ALLOCATION was added to enum type OrderHistoryEntryType.
    • ALLOCATION_REQUEST_SENT was added to enum type OrderHistoryEntryType.
    • ALLOCATION_REQUEST_FAILED was added to enum type OrderHistoryEntryType.
    • ALLOCATION_REQUEST_TIMEOUT was added to enum type OrderHistoryEntryType.
    • ALLOCATION_REQUEST_CONFIRMED was added to enum type OrderHistoryEntryType.
    • ALLOCATION_REQUEST_REJECTED was added to enum type OrderHistoryEntryType.
    • STOCK_ALLOCATION_FAILED was added to enum type OrderHistoryEntryType.
  • Introduced automatic Welcome to Showroom email based on store setting, sent after createBuyer mutation.
    • An optional field sendWelcomeToShowroomEmail on input type BuyerCreateInput was added.
  • New createSupplier, updateSupplier, setSupplierProductVariants and unsetSupplierProductVariants mutations were added.
  • Deleted deprecated fields:
    • [BREAKING] Localization was removed.
    • [BREAKING] LocalizedString was removed.
    • [BREAKING] PurchaserInfo was removed.
    • [BREAKING] LocalizableObjectFields was removed.
    • [BREAKING] OrderLineCancelStockAction was removed.
    • [BREAKING] CustomerFilter.otherPhoneNumber was removed.
    • [BREAKING] OrderLineCancelInput.stockAction was removed.
    • [BREAKING] OrderLineCancelInput.warehouse was removed.
    • [BREAKING] AdminUser.accounts arg filter was removed
    • [BREAKING] AdminUser.brands arg filter was removed
    • [BREAKING] AdminUser.markets arg filter was removed
    • [BREAKING] AdminUser.pricelists arg filter was removed
    • [BREAKING] LanguageTranslation no longer implements interface Localization.
    • [BREAKING] TranslatedField no longer implements interface LocalizedString.
    • [BREAKING] BuyerInfo no longer implements interface PurchaserInfo.
    • [BREAKING] CustomerInfo no longer implements interface PurchaserInfo.
    • [BREAKING] TranslatableObjectFields no longer implements interface LocalizableObjectFields.


  • Fixed a bug in internal logic related to events.


  • Aligned the default behavior of custom attribute elements of boolean (Yes/No) type: do not save "No", delete the value instead.


  • Fixed the statuses in the orderAllocationSplits query.


  • Ported from v1.17:
    • Ignored updates on the raw Ingrid session responses in the Events system as they don't contain any useful information.


  • Changed @deprecated.dateOfRemoval from Date to String to fix an error with the Apollo GQL client causing a crash.


  • Ported from v1.17:
    • Adjusted the limit of query depth from 12 to 13, responding to changes in the default introspection query.


  • Ported from v1.17:
    • Fixed a bug related to ID conversion.


  • Introduced a possibility to change internalComment and otherComment on orders:
    • An optional field internalComment on input type DirectToConsumerOrderUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field otherComment on input type DirectToConsumerOrderUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field internalComment on input type WholesaleOrderUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field otherComment on input type WholesaleOrderUpdateInput was added.
  • An AllocationRequest:read permissions falling under Sales:read main permission was added.
  • An allocationRequests query for AllocationRequest type was added.
  • Extended product price filtering capabilities, which should help find missing or zero prices:
    • An optional field price on input type PriceFilter was added.
    • An optional field notNull on input type PriceFilter was added.
    • An optional field negate on input type PriceFilter was added.
  • New mutation deleteProductVariant was added.


  • Ignored updates on the raw Ingrid session responses in the Events system as they don't contain any useful information.


  • Adjusted the limit of query depth from 12 to 13, responding to changes in the default introspection query.


  • Fixed a bug related to ID conversion.


  • Fixed a bug when an empty country leads to an error in the update*Order mutations.


  • Ported from v1.16:
    • Fixed a bug when shipmentMethodPlugin: {id: 0} caused an error.


  • Fixed bugs, improved documentation.


  • Fixed a bug when shipmentMethodPlugin: {id: 0} caused an error.


  • Ported from v1.15:
    • Internal improvements.
    • Fixed the way how ShipmentInfoInput.carrier and ShipmentInfoInput.service can define a shipment method plugin. Deprecated ShipmentCreateInput.shipmentMethod and ShipmentUpdateInput.shipmentMethod in favor of ShipmentInfoInput.shipmentMethodPlugin:
      • An optional field shipmentMethodPlugin on input type ShipmentInfoInput was added.


  • Fixed a bug that caused order to be completed on shipment deletion.


  • Updated the links to the documentation to the new site https://centra.dev.


  • Introduced a new field for the DirectToConsumerOrder type to show why an order was put on hold:
    • New enum type OrderHoldReason was added with possible values:
    • An optional field orderHoldReason on input type OrderFilter was added.
    • An optional field orderHoldReason on input type DirectToConsumerOrder was added.
  • Introduced a new field allocatedWarehouseCount to easily see and filter orders, which got allocated from more than one warehouse.
    • Field allocatedWarehouseCount was added to interface Order and both implementations: DirectToConsumerOrder and WholesaleOrder.
    • An optional field allocatedWarehouseCount on input type OrderFilter was added.
  • Introduced a new field hasPendingAllocationRequests, related to the "Direct, then confirm" allocation flow.
    • Field hasPendingAllocationRequests was added to interface Order and both implementations: DirectToConsumerOrder and WholesaleOrder.
    • An optional field hasPendingAllocationRequests on input type OrderFilter was added.
  • Introduced a new way of fetching order allocation summary: Query.orderAllocationSplits returning order lines in three distinct allocation statuses: CONFIRMED, WAITING_FOR_CONFIRMATION and UNALLOCATED, and grouped by warehouse. By default, only CONFIRMED allocations are shown.


  • Internal improvements.


  • Fixed the way how ShipmentInfoInput.carrier and ShipmentInfoInput.service can define a shipment method plugin. Deprecated ShipmentCreateInput.shipmentMethod and ShipmentUpdateInput.shipmentMethod in favor of ShipmentInfoInput.shipmentMethodPlugin:
    • An optional field shipmentMethodPlugin on input type ShipmentInfoInput was added.


  • Ported from v1.14:
    • Fixed an error when an unnecessary error was thrown during the createShipment mutation.


  • A new field returnStatus was added to all implementations of the Return interface. The existing field status contains a wrong set of statuses and will be deprecated.
  • An optional field returnStatus on input type ReturnFilter was added.


  • Ported from v1.14:
    • Internal improvements to integration tests.
    • Fixed error handling in the setStock mutation.


  • Ported from v1.14:
    • Internal improvements to the Events system.


  • Internal improvements.


  • Fixed an error when an unnecessary error was thrown during the createShipment mutation.


  • Fixed error handling in the setStock mutation.


  • Internal improvements to integration tests.


  • Internal improvements to the Events system.


  • Ported from v1.13:
    • Fixed an issue when fetching CampaignVariant.fixedPrice and its campaign has no pricelists.
    • Improved documentation for WholesaleOrder.cancelDate.


  • Ported from v1.13:
    • Fixed a CI issue.
    • Fixed a bug when a wrong MonetaryInput is provided in calculateTaxes, changeStock, registerInvoicePayment.


  • Fix a minor discrepancy for field discountPercent on OrderLine interface.


  • EXCLUDE_PRODUCTS was added to enum type VoucherActionCriteriaType.
  • EXCLUDE_FOLDERS was added to enum type VoucherActionCriteriaType.
  • EXCLUDE_CATEGORIES was added to enum type VoucherActionCriteriaType.
  • EXCLUDE_DELIVERY_WINDOWS was added to enum type VoucherActionCriteriaType.
  • An optional field excludeProductVariants on input type VoucherActionCriteriaCreateInput was added.
  • An optional field excludeCategories on input type VoucherActionCriteriaCreateInput was added.
  • An optional field excludeFolders on input type VoucherActionCriteriaCreateInput was added.
  • An optional field excludeDeliveryWindows on input type VoucherActionCriteriaCreateInput was added.


  • Fixed an issue when fetching CampaignVariant.fixedPrice and its campaign has no pricelists.
  • Improved documentation for WholesaleOrder.cancelDate.


  • Fixed a CI issue.


  • Fixed a bug when a wrong MonetaryInput is provided in calculateTaxes, changeStock, registerInvoicePayment.


  • Ported from v1.12:
    • Fixed a bug happening during deleteReturn mutation.
    • Fixed a performance issue for bundle items in order lines.
    • Added logs for healthcheck errors.


  • CI improvements.


  • Added a new validation for updateDirectToConsumerOrder, updateWholesaleOrder, confirmOrder, createShipment, allocateOrder, unallocateOrder and deleteReturn mutations to prevent allocate or unallocate quantity for order lines that have unconfirmed allocations.


  • Ported from v1.12:
    • Added support for cancelling of the conditional allocation flow in the cancelDirectToConsumerOrder and cancelWholesaleOrder mutations.


  • assignAttribute, unassignAttribute, createAttribute, updateAttribute now support StoreItem object type.
  • Changing attributes with StoreItem object type now emits corresponding events for all displays related to that store item.


  • Fixed a bug happening during deleteReturn mutation.


  • Fixed a performance issue for bundle items in order lines.


  • Added logs for healthcheck errors.


  • Added support for cancelling of the conditional allocation flow in the cancelDirectToConsumerOrder and cancelWholesaleOrder mutations.


  • Ported from v1.11:
    • Show a clearer message when a token is expired.


  • Fixed a bug in createPurchaseOrder mutation, when addPurchaseOrderLines is not provided.


  • New mutation resumeDirectToConsumerOrder was added.
  • New enum type CancelOrderReason was added with possible values:
  • An optional field reason on input type DirectToConsumerOrderCancelInput was added.


  • Show a clearer message when a token is expired.


  • Ported from v1.5:
    • Fixed improper sorting of display media with a limit.
    • Fixed bugs caused by empty size charts on product stocks.


  • Internal improvements to the Events system.


  • Release Supplier Module new mutations


  • Ported from v1.5:
    • Fixed a bug during creating a product size for variant without a size chart.


  • Added a new validation for setDeliveryWindowTreeOrder All tree items must be provided.


  • Ported from v1.5:
    • Fixed a CI issue.


  • An optional field isWaitingForConfirmation on input type AllocationFilter was added.
  • Added a new validation for createShipment to prevent creation of shipment for order lines that have unconfirmed allocations.
  • DeliveryWindowGroup was added to enum type IdConversionEntryObjectType.
  • An optional field deliveryWindowGroup on input type DeliveryWindowCreateInput was added.
  • An optional field deliveryWindowGroup on input type DeliveryWindowUpdateInput was added.
  • Added grouping delivery windows:
    • New createDeliveryWindowGroup mutation was added.
    • New updateDeliveryWindowGroup mutation was added.
    • New deleteDeliveryWindowGroup mutation was added.
    • New setDeliveryWindowTreeOrder mutation was added.
    • New deliveryWindowGroup query was added.
    • New deliveryWindowGroups query was added.
    • New deliveryWindowsTree query was added.
  • Added optional pagination to order lines:
    • An optional arg limit on Order.lines was added.
    • An optional arg page on Order.lines was added.
    • An optional arg limit on WholesaleOrder.lines was added.
    • An optional arg page on WholesaleOrder.lines was added.
    • An optional arg limit on DirectToConsumerOrder.lines was added.
    • An optional arg page on DirectToConsumerOrder.lines was added.


  • Added size duplicate detection and handling to the setLocalizedSizes mutation.


  • Ported from v1.5:
    • Fixed a bug with sorting of display media in updateDisplay mutation.


  • New mutation unallocateOrder was added.


  • Random voucher code generation bugfix.


  • Ported from v1.5:
    • Internal observability improvements.
    • Internal improvements.
    • Internal improvements related to error reporting.
    • Internal changes to calculateVouchers.
    • Fixed a bug related to altered prices.
    • Fixed an internal bug.
    • Internal performance improvements.


  • Fixed a bug related to stock auto-allocation during shipment creation.


  • Added missed fields city, address and address2 to Warehouse. Including the inputs and filter:
    • An optional field address on input type WarehouseLocationCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field address2 on input type WarehouseLocationCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field city on input type WarehouseLocationCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field address on input type WarehouseLocationUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field address2 on input type WarehouseLocationUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field city on input type WarehouseLocationUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field address on input type WarehouseFilter was added.
    • An optional field address2 on input type WarehouseFilter was added.
    • An optional field countryId on input type WarehouseFilter was added.
    • An optional field stateId on input type WarehouseFilter was added.
    • An optional field city on input type WarehouseFilter was added.
    • An optional field zipCode on input type WarehouseFilter was added.
  • Added missed fields email and phoneNumber to BrickAndMortar. Including the filter:
    • An optional field email on input type BrickAndMortarFilter was added.
    • An optional field phoneNumber on input type BrickAndMortarFilter was added.


  • Exposed StoreItem as a valid object type for attributes. It represents common properties shared by all displays belonging to a given Product + Store combination.
    • StoreItem was added to enum type AttributeObjectType.
    • Display.storeItemId field was added.


  • Ported from v1.5:
    • CI improvements.


  • Fixed a rare case of attribute types with the "store item" group, shown as Display type attributes.


  • Added merchant extended reference support for Klarna Payments


  • Assigned attributes are now filterable. A where argument was added to all implementations of the ObjectWithAttributes interface. Also, attribute elements can now be filtered.


  • Ported from v1.5:
    • Suppressed a useless error.


  • Fixed an error occurring during product variant creation.


  • Fixed an internal issue with displaying information of reported errors.


  • Ported from v1.5:
    • More internal improvements to KCO tax amount in the context of captureShipment and captureOrder.


  • Ported from v1.5:
    • Fixed an internal issue to suppress spamming useless errors.
    • An optional field successfulUsages on input type SubvoucherFilter was added.
    • Fixed an issue with KCO tax amount related to captureShipment and captureOrder.


  • Fixed an edge case in the Events system related to attributes.


  • Product variants can now be created directly inside the createProduct mutation. This should reduce the time and the number of calls required to set up product catalog:
    • An optional field addProductVariants on input type ProductCreateInput was added.
  • Added the possibility to assign an external ID inside object creation and update. External IDs are alternative identifiers, which can be used right away to find object necessary for other mutations. For example, one can now create a Product with an externalId, and create a ProductVariant for this product in the same mutation. Another use case is creating a nested folder structure, where parent has to be provided for child folders. Yet another: accounts with buyers and address book entries created in one call.
    • An optional field externalId on input type AccountCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type AccountUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type AddressBookEntryCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type AddressBookEntryUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type BrandCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type BrandUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type BuyerCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type BuyerUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type CollectionCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type CollectionUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type CustomerCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type CustomerUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type DeliveryWindowCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type DeliveryWindowUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type DirectToConsumerOrderUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type DisplayCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type DisplayUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type FolderCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type FolderUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type MarketCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type MarketUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type PricelistCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type PricelistUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type ProductCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type ProductUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type ProductVariantCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type ProductVariantUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type ReturnCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type ShipmentCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type ShipmentUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type SizeChartCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type SizeChartUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type VoucherCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type VoucherUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type WarehouseCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type WarehouseUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type WholesaleOrderUpdateInput was added.


  • Ported from v1.5:
    • Added default server load threshold for rate limiting.


  • Ported from v1.5:
    • Added missing validation of object identifiers in mutations: MarketInput, OrderLineInput, PricelistInput, ShipmentInput, SizeChartInput, WarehouseInput and VoucherInput must always be given a non-null value to one of their fields (id or externalId).
    • Internal improvements to CI.


  • DIRECT_THEN_CONFIRM was added to enum type WarehouseAllocationPolicy.
  • Added a new validation for updateWarehouse and createWarehouse mutations to prevent create or update the warehouse allocationPolicy to DIRECT_THEN_CONFIRM when stockMasterPolicy not EXTERNAL.
  • Added a new validation for updateWarehouse mutation to prevent update the warehouse allocationPolicy to DIRECT_THEN_CONFIRM when this warehouse belongs to geographyAllocationPrioritySet that has warehouse with allocationPolicy CHECK_FIRST.
  • Added a new validation for updateWarehouse mutation to prevent update the warehouse allocationPolicy to CHECK_FIRST when this warehouse belongs to geographyAllocationPrioritySet that has warehouse with allocationPolicy DIRECT_THEN_CONFIRM.
  • New queries and mutations for size localizations.
    • New mutations: createSizeLocalization, updateSizeLocalization and setLocalizedSizes.
    • New field Size.localized was added.
    • New field SizeLocalization.localizedSizes was added.
    • An optional field status on input type SizeLocalizationFilter was added.
    • An optional field countryId on input type SizeLocalizationFilter was added.


  • Ported from v1.5:
    • Fixed issues related to calculateVouchers.
    • Improved performance of nested product size queries.


  • Ported from v1.5:
    • Fixed an issue related to bundles in calculateVouchers.
    • Fixed an issue related to VoucherEntryPointStrategy in calculateVouchers.


  • Ported from v1.5:
    • Internal improvements to the Events system.


  • Ported from v1.5:
    • Added support for translations of dynamic attributes assigned to Display objects.
    • Fixed an issue with voucher validation in calculateVouchers.


  • Fixed warehouse validation in updatePurchaseOrder mutation.


  • Ported from v1.5:
    • Fixed an issue related to bundles in calculateVouchers.
    • An improvement to the internal API status check.
    • Fixed a bug in order mutations when an order has the new applyTaxToShipping/applyTaxToHandling type.


  • An optional field actions on input type VoucherCreateInput was added.
  • [BREAKING] ReturnDeletePayload.return was removed. The field wasn't used by the payload.
  • Added a warning message when user tries to allocate from a cancelled warehouse.
  • New field type on AllocationRule was added.
  • Internal improvements related to add a new allocation type OPTIMIZATION_DRIVEN to allocation stock from warehouses.


  • Fixed improper sorting of display media with a limit.


  • Fixed bugs caused by empty size charts on product stocks.


  • Fixed a bug during creating a product size for variant without a size chart.


  • Fixed a CI issue.


  • Fixed a bug when finding invalid customers.


  • Fixed attribute image and file URLs (use the CDN address).


  • Fixed a bug with filtering sub-relations by the id field.


  • Fixed a bug with calculating shipping/voucher tax for ETE orders in createShipment mutation.


  • Backported from v1.9:
    • Added missed fields city, address and address2 to Warehouse. Including the inputs and filter:
      • An optional field address on input type WarehouseLocationCreateInput was added.
      • An optional field address2 on input type WarehouseLocationCreateInput was added.
      • An optional field city on input type WarehouseLocationCreateInput was added.
      • An optional field address on input type WarehouseLocationUpdateInput was added.
      • An optional field address2 on input type WarehouseLocationUpdateInput was added.
      • An optional field city on input type WarehouseLocationUpdateInput was added.
      • An optional field address on input type WarehouseFilter was added.
      • An optional field address2 on input type WarehouseFilter was added.
      • An optional field countryId on input type WarehouseFilter was added.
      • An optional field stateId on input type WarehouseFilter was added.
      • An optional field city on input type WarehouseFilter was added.
      • An optional field zipCode on input type WarehouseFilter was added.
    • Added missed fields email and phoneNumber to BrickAndMortar. Including the filter:
      • An optional field email on input type BrickAndMortarFilter was added.
      • An optional field phoneNumber on input type BrickAndMortarFilter was added.


  • Fixed a bug with sorting of display media in updateDisplay mutation.


  • Internal observability improvements.


  • Internal improvements.


  • Internal improvements related to error reporting.


  • Internal changes to calculateVouchers.


  • Fixed a bug related to altered prices.


  • Fixed an internal bug.


  • Internal performance improvements.


  • CI improvements.


  • Internal improvements.


  • Suppressed a useless error.


  • More internal improvements to KCO tax amount in the context of captureShipment and captureOrder.


  • Fixed an internal issue to suppress spamming useless errors.


  • An optional field successfulUsages on input type SubvoucherFilter was added.


  • Fixed an issue with KCO tax amount related to captureShipment and captureOrder.


  • Added default server load threshold for rate limiting.


  • Added missing validation of object identifiers in mutations: MarketInput, OrderLineInput, PricelistInput, ShipmentInput, SizeChartInput, WarehouseInput and VoucherInput must always be given a non-null value to one of their fields (id or externalId).


  • More internal improvements to CI.


  • Internal improvements to CI.


  • Fixed issues related to calculateVouchers.


  • Improved performance of nested product size queries.


  • Fixed an issue related to bundles in calculateVouchers.


  • Fixed an issue related to VoucherEntryPointStrategy in calculateVouchers.


  • Internal improvements to the Events system.


  • Added support for translations of dynamic attributes assigned to Display objects.


  • Fixed an issue with voucher validation in calculateVouchers.


  • Fixed an issue related to bundles in calculateVouchers.


  • An improvement to the internal API status check.


  • Fixed a bug in order mutations when an order has the new applyTaxToShipping/applyTaxToHandling type.


  • Fixed a bug about false positives in currency mismatch detection.


  • Fixed a bug when a product variant with stock is deleted, it made the following fields nullable:
    • [BREAKING] ProductSize.productVariant changed type from ProductVariant! to ProductVariant.
    • [BREAKING] StockChangeLine.productSize changed type from ProductSize! to ProductSize.
    • [BREAKING] WarehouseDeliveryLine.productSize changed type from ProductSize! to ProductSize.


  • Improved an internal tool to monitor status of the API.


  • Fixed an issue with filtering, sorting, and pagination of some list relations.
  • Fixed a naming convention error in relations of AdminUser. The filter argument is deprecated, and there is a new where argument. Specifically:
    • An optional arg where on AdminUser.accounts was added.
    • An optional arg where on AdminUser.brands was added.
    • An optional arg where on AdminUser.markets was added.
    • An optional arg where on AdminUser.pricelists was added.


  • Fixed an issue with timezones for events.


  • Fixed an issue with automated shipment e-mail in completeShipment.


  • Ported from v1.4:
    • Internal fix to stop reporting a warning.


  • Increase max characters limit validation to 14 characters for field UPC in Mutation.createProductSize and Mutation.updateProductSize.


  • Fixed an internal error in the calculateVouchers.


  • Extended a range of characters accepted as uri to all Unicode letters and digits. Mutations for creation and updates of Brand Display, Category and ShippingOption types can now be assigned a uri with characters like ç, ö, Ä“, ź, ã‚· or ऌ. These characters must be URL-encoded when used in a browser context, and may also be incompatible with some third party systems, so they are available as an opt-in (feature flag) for now.


  • Fixed an internal issue with error reporting.


  • New updatePurchaseOrder and confirmPurchaseOrder mutations were added.
  • New createPurchaseOrderDelivery mutation was added.
  • Added a warning message when user tries to allocate from a cancelled warehouse.
  • Added subvouchers:
    • An optional field subvoucherId on input type AppliedVoucherFilter was added.
    • An optional field subvoucherId on input type CalculateVoucherAdditionalInput was added.
    • New addSubvouchers mutation was added.
    • New updateSubvoucher mutation was added.
    • New removeSubvoucher mutation was added.
    • New subvouchers query was added.
  • New field stores added to SizeLocalization.
  • An optional field storeId on input type SizeLocalizationFilter was added.
  • An optional field shippingCost on input type DirectToConsumerOrderUpdateInput was added.


  • Internal fix to stop reporting a warning.


  • Fixed rounding issue in createShipment.


  • Fixed incorrect handling of externalId input in the setPrices mutation.


  • Fixed a bug in calculateVouchers with original percent off excl campaign result type.


  • Ported from v1.3:
    • Fixed a bug in calculateVouchers with fixed price result type.
    • Fixed a bug in updating order statuses.


  • Ported from v1.3:
    • Fixed performance issues related to calculateVouchers query.
    • Fixed performance issues related to graphQLAccess query.


  • Performance improvement for fetching orders and shipments by updatedAt.
  • An optional field isActive on input type ProductSizeFilter was added.
  • An optional field isActive on input type ProductSizeCreateOnProductVariantInput was added.
  • An optional field isActive on input type ProductSizeCreateInput was added.
  • An optional field isActive on input type ProductSizeUpdateInput was added.
  • Added a new validation for createReturn mutation to prevent create return for shipment lines that have inactive product sizes.
  • Added a new validation for updateProductSize, createProductSize and createProductVariant mutations to prevent create or update an inactive product size with product size has stock or preorder.
  • It is now possible to activate a product size in changeStock mutation by adding stock to the product size.


  • Fixed a bug in calculateVouchers with fixed price result type.


  • Fixed a bug in updating order statuses.


  • Fixed performance issues related to calculateVouchers query.


  • Fixed performance issues related to graphQLAccess query.


  • Ported from v1.2:
    • Fixed a bug in setStock when external IDs were used.
    • Fixed a bug in calculateVouchers with used vouchers not being reported as not found.
    • orderPaymentHistory query now does not show entries for selections.
    • Internal fixes related to Display mutations.
    • Fixed showing errors when an invalid cursor is provided to the *Connection queries.
    • Fixed a race condition error in setStock.


  • Suppressed unnecessary internal alerts.


  • Fixed events generation for Shipment discounts.


  • Internal improvements to the Events system.
  • Attribute types query now has a filter, the result can be restricted by objectType, name, isMapped and more.


  • Fixed a bug in setStock when external IDs were used.


  • Fixed a bug in calculateVouchers with used vouchers not being reported as not found.


  • orderPaymentHistory query now does not show entries for selections.


  • Internal fixes related to Display mutations.


  • Fixed showing errors when an invalid cursor is provided to the *Connection queries.
  • Fixed a race condition error in setStock.


  • Ported from v1.1:
    • Fixed a bug in calculateVouchers with voucher entry point strategy.


  • Ported from v1.1:
    • Internal improvements related to usage metrics.
    • Fixed saving order history entries when a capture is failed.


  • Ported from v1.1:
    • Fixed an issue with Voucher.usages.
    • Fixed an issue with invoice lines.


  • Fixed a bug in event processing.
  • Ported from v1.1:
    • Aligned createShipment(with capture:true) and captureShipment mutations logic with captureOrder: an asynchronous "capture-request" doesn't mark the shipment paid nor captured; it's done by the notification callback from the payment provider.


  • New releaseRemainingAuthorization mutation was added.
  • New createPurchaseOrder mutation was added.
  • Added field taxPerAdditional on TaxSummary type.


  • Fixed a bug in calculateVouchers with voucher entry point strategy.


  • Fixed saving order history entries when a capture is failed.


  • Internal improvements related to usage metrics.


  • Fixed an issue with Voucher.usages.


  • Fixed an issue with invoice lines.


  • Aligned createShipment(with capture:true) and captureShipment mutations logic with captureOrder: an asynchronous "capture-request" doesn't mark the shipment paid nor captured; it's done by the notification callback from the payment provider.


  • Ported from v1.0:
    • Fixed a bug in calculateVouchers with vouchers not assigned to any market.


  • AppliedVoucher added to interfaces implemented by AppliedVoucherFreeShipping.
  • AppliedDiscount added to interfaces implemented by AppliedVoucherFreeShipping.
  • AppliedVoucher added to interfaces implemented by AppliedVoucherFreeProduct.
  • AppliedDiscount added to interfaces implemented by AppliedVoucherFreeProduct.
  • AppliedVoucher added to interfaces implemented by AppliedVoucherCredit.
  • AppliedDiscount added to interfaces implemented by AppliedVoucherCredit.
  • [BREAKING] AppliedVoucher changed from an Object type to an Interface type.


  • Add field paramsJSON to AppliedVoucherFreeShipping, AppliedVoucherFreeProduct and AppliedVoucherCredit types.


  • Fixed an edge case for the Events system regarding events of the Completed change type.


  • Fixed an internal error in tokens management.


  • It is now possible to cancel an authorization on a payment provider side in the order cancel mutations. For now, it is only supported by Adyen.
    • An optional field cancelAuthorization on input type DirectToConsumerOrderCancelInput was added.
    • An optional field cancelAuthorization on input type WholesaleOrderCancelInput was added.
  • Added custom attributes on Vouchers:
    • Voucher was added to enum type AttributeObjectType.
    • ObjectWithAttributes added to interfaces implemented by Voucher.
    • An optional field assignMappedAttributes on input type VoucherCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field assignDynamicAttributes on input type VoucherCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field assignMappedAttributes on input type VoucherUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field unassignMappedAttributes on input type VoucherUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field assignDynamicAttributes on input type VoucherUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field unassignDynamicAttributes on input type VoucherUpdateInput was added.


  • Fixed a bug in calculateVouchers with vouchers not assigned to any market.


  • Ported from v0.48:
    • Fixed a race condition between updating a Display and deleting a ProductMedia being assigned.


  • Added a new counter for the events: counters.events will tell a number of non-confirmed events.


  • Internal improvements related to error reporting.


This is the first stable release, the Integration API is no longer in Beta! 🎉

  • We are excited to introduce our new Event System to Centra, powered by the Integration GraphQL API. With this update, you gain access to a stream of events that inform you about any changes made within Centra. These events allow you to selectively fetch only the changed data since your last synchronization, eliminating the need for periodic polling. Embrace the enhanced efficiency and real-time awareness provided by the new event system in Centra! Use Slack or e-mail our Partner Success team to request early access.
  • Added special ID conversion rules for Size.
  • Capture mutations are now supported for Klarna Payments integration


  • Fixed a race condition between updating a Display and deleting a ProductMedia being assigned.


  • Fixed an internal error.


  • Fixed updateBuyer and updateCustomer mutations errors for users with empty e-mails.


  • New fields exposed for vouchers on the order level: voucherName, voucherMethod, url, code, shippingValue (appears in orders, shipments and returns).
  • New resolver and field appliedVouchers added for fetching voucher data applied per ProductOrderLine and BundleItemOrderLine.
  • New implementations introduced for OrderDiscount interface: AppliedVoucherFreeShipping, AppliedVoucherFreeProduct, AppliedVoucherCredit.


  • Fixed assigning dynamic attributes to a new product variant via createProductVariant mutation.


  • Changed the definition of Order.createdAt to match orderDate.
  • Fixed a bug in calculateTaxes.
  • It is now possible to create product sizes in the same mutation as product variant.
    • An optional field productSizes on input type ProductVariantCreateInput was added.
  • [BREAKING] CostPolicyInput.value changed type from Float to MonetaryValueInput.


  • Fixed a bug related to fetching objects by non-existent externalId.


  • Fixed a bug when product variant with size cannot be found.


  • Added subscription history entries on updating quantity, address and creating new subscriptions.
  • Extended subscription quantity update validation.


  • Ported from v0.46:
    • Improved error message for invalid date range.
    • Fixed bug in calculateVouchers with empty reg_from in new customer criterion.
    • Added validation for setStock mutation and a ProductVariant without a size chart selected.
    • Fixed bug in calculateVouchers with categories criterion.
    • Fixed bug in calculateVouchers with credit vouchers not allowed to combine with others.
    • Fixed a rounding issue in MonetaryValue.valueInCents, visible in values converted to the base currency.


  • An optional field search on input type IdConversionEntryFilter was added.
  • An optional field negate on input type IdConversionEntryFilter was added.
  • Fixed a bug in counters.idConversions.


  • Ported from v0.46:
    • Internal infrastructure-related fix.


  • Ported from v0.46:
    • Fixed a bug in product variant attribute translations.
  • Fixed a bug in list fields.


  • Introduced capturing:
    • New mutations captureShipment and captureOrder.
    • New field capture: true on createShipment.
  • New fields to split EAN and UPC:
    • An optional field EAN on input type ProductSizeFilter was added.
    • An optional field UPC on input type ProductSizeFilter was added.
    • An optional field EAN on input type ProductSizeCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field UPC on input type ProductSizeCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field EAN on input type ProductSizeUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field UPC on input type ProductSizeUpdateInput was added.
  • Extended most of the object inputs, filters and queries by externalId field which allows for lookup using existing ID conversions (if there are any):
    • An optional arg externalId on Query.account was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Query.collection was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Query.customer was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Query.voucher was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Query.invoice was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Query.market was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Query.order was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Query.pricelist was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Query.product was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Query.productVariant was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Query.salesRepresentative was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Query.shipment was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Query.sizeChart was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Query.warehouse was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.updateAddressBookEntry was added
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.deleteAddressBookEntry was added
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.updateBrand was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.updateCollection was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.updateCustomer was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.deleteCustomer was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.updateFolder was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.updateProduct was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.updateProductVariant was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.updatePricelist was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.deletePricelist was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.updateDeliveryWindow was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.updateSizeChart was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.updateSizeChartLabels was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.deleteSizeChart was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.updateAccount was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.deleteAccount was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.updateBuyer was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.deleteBuyer was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.updateMarket was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.deleteMarket was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.updateShipment was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.completeShipment was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.captureShipment was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.deleteShipment was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.updateVoucher was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.deleteVoucher was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.updateDiscount was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.deleteDiscount was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.completeReturn was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.uncompleteReturn was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.deleteReturn was added.
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.updateWarehouse was added
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.updateWarehouse was added
    • An optional arg externalId on Mutation.removeSizeChart was added
    • An optional field externalId on input type OrderFilter was added.
    • An optional field externalIdentifier on input type AccountFilter was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type BrandFilter was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type ProductFilter was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type FolderFilter was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type PurchaseOrderFilter was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type ProductVariantFilter was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type MarketFilter was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type PricelistFilter was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type PaymentHistoryEntryFilter was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type DeliveryWindowFilter was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type InvoiceFilter was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type ReturnFilter was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type CollectionFilter was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type CurrencyFilter was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type CustomerFilter was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type VoucherFilter was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type PaymentTermsFilter was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type SalesRepresentativeFilter was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type ShipmentFilter was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type ShippingTermsFilter was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type SizeChartFilter was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type StorePluginFilter was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type WarehouseFilter was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type ProductVariantInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type DeliveryWindowInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type MarketInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type PricelistInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type ProductInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type NullableProductVariantInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type FolderInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type BrandInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type CollectionInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type SizeChartInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type SizeInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type WarehouseInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type SalesRepresentativeInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type AccountInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type VoucherInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type OrderInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type OrderLineInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type CustomerInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type InvoiceInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type DiscountInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type BuyerInput was added.
    • An optional field externalId on input type ShipmentInput was added.
    • AddressBookEntry was added to enum type IdConversionEntryObjectType.


  • Improved error message for invalid date range.


  • Fixed bug in calculateVouchers with empty reg_from in new customer criterion.


  • Added validation for setStock mutation and a ProductVariant without a size chart selected.


  • Fixed bug in calculateVouchers with categories criterion.


  • Fixed bug in calculateVouchers with credit vouchers not allowed to combine with others.


  • Fixed a rounding issue in MonetaryValue.valueInCents, visible in values converted to the base currency.


  • Internal infrastructure-related fix.


  • Fixed a bug in product variant attribute translations.


  • Fixed bug in calculateVouchers using "Products not discounted" criteria.


  • Ported from v0.45:
    • Fixed an issue with very big nested data sets.
    • Internal stability improvements.


  • Added a new validation to createCategory and updateCategory mutations to prevent any category from having more than 6 levels.


  • Ported from v0.44:
    • Fixed an issue with very big nested data sets.
  • Internal stability improvements.


  • Ported from v0.44:
    • Fixed an issue with mutation locks.
    • Fixed taxes of additional costs for shipments.
    • Fixed an edge with tax breakdown on order with a zero-decimal currency like JPY.
    • Fixed an issue with display media sorting.
    • Fixed an issue where shipments were marked as paid when a 'Capture-request' was made.


  • Remove validation of shippingOption from calculateVouchers Query.


  • Speed improvements for calculateVouchers.
  • Ported from v0.44:
    • Fixed taxes of additional costs for shipments.


  • Ported from v0.44:
    • Fixed an issue with mutation locks.
    • Fixed rounding issue in the createShipment mutation. It also affects the calculateTaxes query.
    • Fixed ProductSize.weight when stock is shared.


  • New mutations for warehouses were added: createWarehouse and updateWarehouse.
  • New cancelOrder mutation was added.
  • New field paymentMethod on SubscriptionContract was added.
  • New field ecVatNumber on Address was added.


  • Fixed an issue with very big nested data sets.


  • Fixed an issue where shipments were marked as paid when a "capture-request" was made.


  • Fixed an issue with display media sorting.


  • Fixed an edge with tax breakdown on order with a zero-decimal currency like JPY.


  • Fixed an issue with mutation locks.


  • Fixed rounding issue in the createShipment mutation. It also affects the calculateTaxes query.
  • Fixed ProductSize.weight when stock is shared.


  • Infrastructure-related improvement.


  • Ported from v0.43:
    • Filter out empty CampaignVariant.startAt or CampaignVariant.stopAt from results.


  • [BREAKING] GRAMS_PER_SQUARE_METER was removed from enum type WeightUnit.


  • Fixed an error when Category.uri is empty.


  • Introduced locks for mutations, which are unsafe to run in parallel. A locked mutation means a new call will be delayed until the first one is completed and releases the lock. In this case, there will be a userWarning in the response.


  • Fixed a type error in mutation createSubscription.


  • Query calculateVouchers no longer gives error when called with empty array for lines.


  • Fixed another stock update issue.


  • Fixed a stock update issue.


  • Fixed an issue with formatting decimal values in tax breakdown.


  • An optional field shippingSpecificationSettings on input type ProductVariantCreateInput was added.
  • An optional field shippingSpecificationSettings on input type ProductVariantUpdateInput was added.
  • An optional field shippingSpecifications on input type ProductSizeCreateInput was added.
  • An optional field shippingSpecifications on input type ProductSizeUpdateInput was added.
  • An optional field stockActionPolicy on input type OrderLineCancelInput was added.
  • New mutations createReturn, completeReturn, uncompleteReturn and deleteReturn were added.
  • Mutation.updateSubscription was extended by:
    • An optional field status on input type SubscriptionUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field subscriptionPlan on input type SubscriptionUpdateInput was added.


  • Filter out empty CampaignVariant.startAt or CampaignVariant.stopAt from results.


  • Ported from v0.42:
    • Internal improvements related to user error handling.


  • Internal stability improvements.


  • Ported from v0.42:
    • Fixed an issue with account address creation.


  • A field userWarnings was added to mutation payloads, next to userErrors. It contains non-critical issues, which don't fail the whole mutation. For example, adding a market with {id: null} to a campaign, or updating product weight with a different weight unit, they now result in warnings.
  • New idConversions query was added.


  • Internal improvements related to user error handling.


  • Fixed an issue with account address creation.


  • Fixed an issue in calculateVouchers when using Original percent off voucher.


  • Fixed some issues in calculateVouchers related to rounding.


  • Ported from v0.41:
    • Internal improvements related to currency conversion rates.
    • Fixed a monetary value rounding issue during tax calculation.
    • Added merchant extended reference support for Adyen Drop In.
    • Fixed order status change after cancelling all order lines.
    • Fixed a tax calculation issue.


  • Fixed an issue in calculateVouchers when using shipping percentage voucher.


  • Deprecated permissions got migrated to the new counterparts.


  • Fixed order status change after cancelling all order lines.
  • Fixed a tax calculation issue.


  • Added merchant extended reference support for Adyen Drop In.


  • Internal improvements related to currency conversion rates.
  • Fixed a monetary value rounding issue during tax calculation.


  • Updated vulnerable libraries.


  • Ported from v0.40:
    • Performance improvements.
    • Fixed an edge case related to the query complexity calculation.
    • Added a currency update history entry on capture.
    • Fixed order status after lines cancellation.


  • Internal improvements related to deprecated permissions handling.


  • Fixed an issue in calculateVouchers when using continueStrategy: REMAINING_PRODUCTS.


  • Fixed a case of fetching just __typename from a translated object.


  • [BREAKING] toDateTime was removed. It means String is not supported anymore for date fields.
  • Introduced a new field lineCampaign on OrderLine to expose campaign info on order line item level.
  • New fields were added to GraphQL tokens: email, phoneNumber, organizationName and integrationName.


  • Fixed order status after lines cancellation.


  • Added a currency update history entry on capture.


  • Fixed an edge case related to the query complexity calculation.


  • Performance improvements.


  • Fixes and improvements.


  • An optional field customerId on input type ShipmentFilter was added.
  • Fixed customerId and buyerId filters in orders, history entries and returns.


  • Ported from v0.38:
    • Fixed allow to update isPaid and paidValue on shipment belonging to a locked order with Order.isLocked:write permission.


  • Fixed permission name for CustomerFilter.totalOrders.


  • Added a link to the guide to the rate limits message.


  • Ported from v0.38:
    • Fixed wrong comparison of floats.


  • Released the rateLimits query.


  • Introduced new fields to expose capturing info for shipments:

    • New field isCaptured on Shipment was added.
    • New field capturedAt on Shipment was added.
    • New field capturedValue on Shipment was added.
    • An optional field isCaptured on input type ShipmentFilter was added.
    • An optional field capturedAt on input type ShipmentFilter was added.
  • New field displayItem on OrderLine was added.

  • New field frontendItemId on OrderLine was added. It should match the item returned by Checkout API and Shop API.

  • Deleted unused, long-deprecated fields:

    • [BREAKING] Currency.pricelists was removed.
    • [BREAKING] WarehouseDeliveryLine.baseValue was removed.
    • [BREAKING] AllocationRule.defaultWarehouse was removed.
    • [BREAKING] InvoiceLine.cogsCurrencyRate was removed.
    • [BREAKING] Mutation.removeSizeChart was removed.
    • [BREAKING] Mutation.removeMeasurementChart was removed.
    • [BREAKING] Mutation.removeCampaign was removed.
  • The currencyBaseRate field on Order, Shipment, Return, Invoice, StockChangeLine and PaymentHistoryEntry types is no longer deprecated.

  • Renamed WarehouseDelivery to StockChange:

    • [BREAKING] WarehouseDeliveryLine was removed.
    • [BREAKING] WarehouseDelivery was removed.
    • [BREAKING] WarehouseDeliveryConnection was removed.
    • [BREAKING] WarehouseDeliveryEdge was removed.
    • [BREAKING] WarehouseDeliveryLineConnection was removed.
    • [BREAKING] WarehouseDeliveryLineEdge was removed.
    • [BREAKING] Query.warehouseDeliveryConnection changed type from WarehouseDeliveryConnection! to StockChangeConnection!.
    • [BREAKING] Query.warehouseDeliveryLines changed type from [WarehouseDeliveryLine!]! to [StockChangeLine!]!.
    • [BREAKING] Query.warehouseDeliveryLineConnection changed type from WarehouseDeliveryLineConnection! to StockChangeLineConnection!.
    • [BREAKING] ProductSize.warehouseDeliveryLines changed type from [WarehouseDeliveryLine!]! to [StockChangeLine!]!.
    • [BREAKING] Warehouse.warehouseDeliveries changed type from [WarehouseDelivery!]! to [StockChange!]!.
    • [BREAKING] Allocation.warehouseDeliveryLine changed type from WarehouseDeliveryLine! to StockChangeLine!.
    • [BREAKING] PurchaseOrderDelivery.warehouseDelivery changed type from WarehouseDelivery to StockChange.
    • [BREAKING] StockChangePayload.stockChange changed type from WarehouseDelivery to StockChange.
    • [BREAKING] StockSetPayload.stockChanges changed type from [WarehouseDelivery!]! to [StockChange!]!.
    • [BREAKING] WarehouseDeliveryLine changed from an Object type to an Interface type.
    • [BREAKING] WarehouseDelivery changed from an Object type to an Interface type.
    • [BREAKING] WarehouseDeliveryConnection changed from an Object type to an Interface type.
    • [BREAKING] WarehouseDeliveryEdge changed from an Object type to an Interface type.
    • [BREAKING] WarehouseDeliveryLineConnection changed from an Object type to an Interface type.
    • [BREAKING] WarehouseDeliveryLineEdge changed from an Object type to an Interface type.
    • New field stockChangeLine on Allocation was added
    • New field stockChangeLines on ProductSize was added
    • New field stockChanges on Warehouse was added
    • New field stockChange on StockChangeLine was added
    • New query stockChangeLines was added
  • Localization was renamed to Translation

    • ObjectWithTranslations added to interfaces implemented by Country.
    • ObjectWithTranslations added to interfaces implemented by ProductVariant.
    • ObjectWithTranslations added to interfaces implemented by Display.
    • ObjectWithTranslations added to interfaces implemented by Category.
    • ObjectWithTranslations added to interfaces implemented by Product.
    • ObjectWithTranslations added to interfaces implemented by ProductMedia.
    • ObjectWithTranslations added to interfaces implemented by GiftCertificateGenerator.
    • ObjectWithTranslations added to interfaces implemented by MappedAttribute.
    • An optional field isAvailableForTranslation on input type LanguageFilter was added.
    • [BREAKING] LocalizePayload was removed.
    • [BREAKING] Localization changed from an Object type to an Interface type.
    • [BREAKING] LocalizedString changed from an Object type to an Interface type.
    • [BREAKING] LocalizableObjectFields changed from an Object type to an Interface type.
    • [BREAKING] Query.localizableFields changed type from [LocalizableObjectFields!]! to [TranslatableObjectFields!]!.
    • [BREAKING] Country.localized changed type from [Localization!]! to [LanguageTranslation!]!.
    • [BREAKING] Localizable.localized changed type from [Localization!]! to [LanguageTranslation!]!.
    • [BREAKING] ProductVariant.localized changed type from [Localization!]! to [LanguageTranslation!]!.
    • [BREAKING] Display.localized changed type from [Localization!]! to [LanguageTranslation!]!.
    • [BREAKING] Category.localized changed type from [Localization!]! to [LanguageTranslation!]!.
    • [BREAKING] Product.localized changed type from [Localization!]! to [LanguageTranslation!]!.
    • [BREAKING] ProductMedia.localized changed type from [Localization!]! to [LanguageTranslation!]!.
    • [BREAKING] GiftCertificateGenerator.localized changed type from [Localization!]! to [LanguageTranslation!]!.
    • [BREAKING] MappedAttribute.localized changed type from [Localization!]! to [LanguageTranslation!]!.
    • [BREAKING] Mutation.localize changed type from LocalizePayload! to TranslationsSetPayload!.
    • [BREAKING] LocalizableObjectFilter.objectType changed type from [LocalizableObjectType!] to [TranslatableObjectType!].
    • [BREAKING] LocalizeInput.objectType changed type from LocalizableObjectType! to TranslatableObjectType!.
  • Renamed Purchaser to Customer and Buyer:

    • An optional field customerId on input type OrderFilter was added.
    • An optional field buyerId on input type OrderFilter was added.
    • An optional field customerId on input type EmailHistoryFilter was added.
    • An optional field buyerId on input type EmailHistoryFilter was added.
    • An optional field customerId on input type OrderHistoryFilter was added.
    • An optional field buyerId on input type OrderHistoryFilter was added.
    • An optional field customerId on input type ReturnFilter was added.
    • An optional field buyerId on input type ReturnFilter was added.
    • [BREAKING] PurchaserFilter was removed.
    • [BREAKING] PurchaserSort was removed.
    • [BREAKING] PurchaserInfoInput was removed.
    • [BREAKING] EmailHistoryEntry changed from an Object type to an Interface type.
    • [BREAKING] Invoice changed from an Object type to an Interface type.
    • [BREAKING] Shipment changed from an Object type to an Interface type.
    • [BREAKING] Return changed from an Object type to an Interface type.
    • [BREAKING] OrderHistoryEntry changed from an Object type to an Interface type.
    • [BREAKING] PurchaserInfo changed from an Object type to an Interface type.
    • [BREAKING] Account.emailHistory changed type from [EmailHistoryEntry!]! to [WholesaleEmailHistoryEntry!]!.
    • [BREAKING] Account.invoices changed type from [Invoice!]! to [WholesaleInvoice!]!.
    • [BREAKING] Account.returns changed type from [Return!]! to [WholesaleReturn!]!.
    • [BREAKING] Buyer.emailHistory changed type from [EmailHistoryEntry!]! to [WholesaleEmailHistoryEntry!]!.
    • [BREAKING] WholesaleOrder.emailHistory changed type from [EmailHistoryEntry!]! to [WholesaleEmailHistoryEntry!]!.
    • [BREAKING] WholesaleOrder.history changed type from [OrderHistoryEntry!]! to [WholesaleOrderHistoryEntry!]!.
    • [BREAKING] WholesaleOrder.returns changed type from [Return!]! to [WholesaleReturn!]!.
    • [BREAKING] WholesaleOrder.shipments changed type from [Shipment!]! to [WholesaleShipment!]!.
    • [BREAKING] Customer.emailHistory changed type from [EmailHistoryEntry!]! to [DirectToConsumerEmailHistoryEntry!]!.
    • [BREAKING] Customer.returns changed type from [Return!]! to [DirectToConsumerReturn!]!.
    • [BREAKING] DirectToConsumerOrder.emailHistory changed type from [EmailHistoryEntry!]! to [DirectToConsumerEmailHistoryEntry!]!.
    • [BREAKING] DirectToConsumerOrder.history changed type from [OrderHistoryEntry!]! to [DirectToConsumerOrderHistoryEntry!]!.
    • [BREAKING] DirectToConsumerOrder.returns changed type from [Return!]! to [DirectToConsumerReturn!]!.
    • [BREAKING] DirectToConsumerOrder.shipments changed type from [Shipment!]! to [DirectToConsumerShipment!]!.
    • [BREAKING] DirectToConsumerOrderUpdateInput.customerInfo changed type from PurchaserInfoInput to CustomerInfoInput.
    • [BREAKING] WholesaleOrderUpdateInput.buyerInfo changed type from PurchaserInfoInput to BuyerInfoInput.
    • [BREAKING] Query.customers arg where has changed type from PurchaserFilter to CustomerFilter.
    • [BREAKING] Query.customers arg sort has changed type from [PurchaserSort!] to [CustomerSort!].
    • [BREAKING] Query.customerConnection arg where has changed type from PurchaserFilter to CustomerFilter.
    • [BREAKING] Query.customerConnection arg sort has changed type from [PurchaserSort!] to [CustomerSort!].
    • [BREAKING] Counters.customers arg where has changed type from PurchaserFilter to CustomerFilter.
  • Renamed Discount to Voucher:

    • [BREAKING] Discount changed from an Object type to an Interface type.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountAction changed from an Object type to an Interface type.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionCriteria changed from an Object type to an Interface type.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionResult changed from an Object type to an Interface type.
    • [BREAKING] AppliedDiscount changed from an Object type to an Interface type.


  • Fixed allow to update isPaid and paidValue on shipment belonging to a locked order with Order.isLocked:write permission.


  • Fixed wrong comparison of floats.


  • Fixed handling of empty folder name.


  • Fixed a cursor pagination issue.


  • Ported from v0.37:
    • Fixed an error when a product variant doesn't have stock.


  • Fixed logging of queries.


  • Fixed settings for the Adyen plugin.
  • Ported from v0.37:
    • Introduced new fields to expose capturing info for shipments:
      • New field isCaptured on Shipment was added.
      • New field capturedAt on Shipment was added.
      • New field capturedValue on Shipment was added.
      • An optional field isCaptured on input type ShipmentFilter was added.
      • An optional field capturedAt on input type ShipmentFilter was added.


  • Ported from v0.37:
    • Fixed name uniqueness check for top-level folders.
    • Fixed timezone setting issue.


  • Fixed a few small bugs, fixed error handling of incorrect queries, internal changes.


  • Fixed an error when a product variant doesn't have stock.


  • Introduced new fields to expose capturing info for shipments:
    • New field isCaptured on Shipment was added.
    • New field capturedAt on Shipment was added.
    • New field capturedValue on Shipment was added.
    • An optional field isCaptured on input type ShipmentFilter was added.
    • An optional field capturedAt on input type ShipmentFilter was added.


  • Fixed name uniqueness check for top-level folders.


  • Fixed timezone setting issue.


  • Internal improvements of rate limiting.


  • Fixed logging Request ID.


  • Internal improvement.


  • Fixed the deleteProductMedia mutation when media is not found.


  • Several small improvements and bugfixing.


  • An optional field storeId on input type CampaignVariantFilter was added.


  • Ported from v0.35.7:
    • Fixed another order line cancellation issue.


  • Ported from v0.35.6:
    • Internal improvements related to deprecations.


  • Internal improvements, bugfixing.


  • Fixed another order line cancellation issue.


  • Internal improvements related to deprecations.


  • Fixed order line cancellation issue.


  • Ported from v0.34.9:
    • Internal fix in tax breakdown.


  • Fixed an internal error for some invalid json requests.


  • [BREAKING] ShipmentCreateInput.capture was removed. It wasn't fully implemented.


  • Fix an internal error with too complex queries.


  • An optional field capture on input type ShipmentCreateInput was added.
  • An optional field source on input type PaymentHistoryEntryFilter was added.
  • New field taxIncluded on TaxBreakdownLine was added.
  • New queries sizeLocalizations and sizeLocalization were added.
  • Added "Unspecified stock" warehouse for a few edge cases.
  • [BREAKING] Query.warehouse changed type from Warehouse! to Warehouse.
  • Renamed shippingIncludesTax to applyTaxToShipping:
    • TaxRule.applyTaxToShipping was added.
    • [BREAKING] TaxRule.shippingIncludesTax was removed.
  • Renamed handlingIncludesTax to applyTaxToHandling:
    • TaxRule.applyTaxToHandling was added.
    • [BREAKING] TaxRule.handlingIncludesTax was removed.
  • [BREAKING] ShipmentUpdateInput.paidValue changed type from Float to MonetaryValueInput.


  • Internal fix in tax breakdown.


  • Fixed compatibility issues.


  • Better handling of unknown media sizes.


  • Fixed several bugs related to shipments.


  • Fixed searching ProductSize by SKU.


  • More error handling improvements.


  • An optional field status on input type PurchaseOrderDeliveryFilter was added.
  • An optional field number on input type PurchaseOrderDeliveryFilter was added.
  • New connection queries were added:
    • purchaseOrderConnection
    • purchaseOrderDeliveryConnection


  • Fixed client configuration reloading.
  • Error handling improvements.


  • Fixed the isPaid field in the shipment mutations.


  • Ported from v0.31.10-12:
    • Fix of invalid type handling: a user error, not a server error.
    • Internal logging and metrics improvements.
    • Bug fix for stockTotals.


  • Internal improvements.


  • New field added to the Order type: purchaserInfo.
  • Changed the way admin discount value is calculated if it is specified as percentOff.


  • Bug fix in the completeShipment mutation.


  • Bug fix in the createShipment mutation.


  • Ported from v0.31.8:
    • An optional field externalId on input type AccountFilter was added.


  • Ported from v0.31.7:
    • Performance improvement: mutations, which don't change any data, will not produce events.


  • New shipment mutations were added:
    • createShipment
    • updateShipment
    • completeShipment
    • deleteShipment
  • Mutations updateDirectToConsumerOrder and updateWholesaleOrder were extended with new fields.


  • An optional field shippingType on input type SubscriptionPlanCreateInput was added.
  • An optional field shippingType on input type SubscriptionPlanUpdateInput was added.
  • SubscriptionPlan.shippingType was added.
  • More performance improvements.


  • Fix of invalid type handling: a user error, not a server error.


  • Internal logging and metrics improvements.


  • Bug fix for stockTotals.


  • Internal improvements related to logging.


  • An optional field externalId on input type AccountFilter was added.


  • Performance improvement: mutations, which don't change any data, will not produce events.


  • Bug fix in supplier module support.


  • Internal improvements.


  • Bug fix: SizeAlias.label was always empty.


  • Ported from v0.30.6:
    • createdAt_ASC was added to enum type PurchaserSort.
    • createdAt_DESC was added to enum type PurchaserSort.
    • updatedAt_ASC was added to enum type PurchaserSort.
    • updatedAt_DESC was added to enum type PurchaserSort.
    • An optional field createdAt on input type PurchaserFilter was added.
    • An optional field updatedAt on input type PurchaserFilter was added.


  • Enable schema caching for improved performance.


  • Internal performance improvements.


  • New mutation registerInvoicePayment was added.
  • New mutation markInvoiceAsPaid was added.
  • New fields added to the Invoice type: orders, shipments and payments.
  • New mutation addOrderLinkAttachment was added.
  • New field added to the WholesaleOrder type: attachments.


  • createdAt_ASC was added to enum type PurchaserSort.
  • createdAt_DESC was added to enum type PurchaserSort.
  • updatedAt_ASC was added to enum type PurchaserSort.
  • updatedAt_DESC was added to enum type PurchaserSort.
  • An optional field createdAt on input type PurchaserFilter was added.
  • An optional field updatedAt on input type PurchaserFilter was added.


  • [BREAKING] MonetaryValue.valueInCents changed type from Int! to Int64!.


  • [BREAKING] WarehouseDeliveryLine.warehouse changed type from Warehouse! to Warehouse.


  • OrderLine.discountPercent is rounded properly now (precision 2).


  • Validation changes: variables, which should be given a DateTimeTz scalar will accept String as variable type.


  • [BREAKING] Subscription.nextOrderDate changed type from Date! to Date.
  • [BREAKING] Subscription.nextRetryDate changed type from Date! to Date.


  • New query invoicePayments was added.
  • PaymentHistoryEntry.paymentMethod was added.
  • An optional field paymentMethod on input type PaymentHistoryEntryFilter was added.
  • Introduced new Date and DateTimeTz scalar types. They triggered the following changes:
    • [BREAKING] DateRange.from changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] DateRange.to changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] Account.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Account.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] MonetaryValue.conversionDate changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Currency.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Pricelist.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Campaign.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Campaign.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] CampaignVariant.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] CampaignVariant.startAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] CampaignVariant.stopAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] ProductVariant.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Display.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Affiliate.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Order.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Order.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Order.orderDate changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] OrderDiscount.date changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] EmailHistoryEntry.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] AdminUser.createdAt changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] AdminUser.lastLoginAt changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] AdminUser.lastOnlineAt changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] Product.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Product.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] ProductSize.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Market.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] WarehouseDelivery.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Invoice.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Invoice.dueDate changed type from String to Date.
    • [BREAKING] Invoice.orderDate changed type from String to Date.
    • [BREAKING] Invoice.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] NumberSeries.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Purchaser.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Purchaser.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Purchaser.lastLoginAt changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] Purchaser.lastOnlineAt changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] TaxRule.applyFrom changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] TaxRule.applyTo changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] PurchaseOrderDelivery.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] PurchaseOrderDelivery.exFactoryDate changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] PurchaseOrderDelivery.ETA changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] PurchaseOrder.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] PurchaseOrder.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] PurchaseOrder.ETA changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] PurchaseOrder.requestedETD changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] PurchaseOrder.confirmedETD changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] SubscriptionPlan.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] SubscriptionPlan.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] OrderHistoryEntry.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] PaymentHistoryEntry.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Return.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Shipment.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Shipment.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Shipment.emailSentAt changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] Shipment.paidAt changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] ShippingOption.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Buyer.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Buyer.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Buyer.lastLoginAt changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] Buyer.lastOnlineAt changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] WholesaleOrder.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] WholesaleOrder.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] WholesaleOrder.orderDate changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] WholesaleOrder.preferredShippingDate changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] WholesaleOrder.estimatedDeliveryDate changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] WholesaleOrder.cancelDate changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] NewsletterSubscription.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Customer.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Customer.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Customer.lastLoginAt changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] Customer.lastOnlineAt changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] Customer.birthdate changed type from String to Date.
    • [BREAKING] DirectToConsumerOrder.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] DirectToConsumerOrder.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] DirectToConsumerOrder.orderDate changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Discount.createdAt changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] Discount.startAt changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] Discount.stopAt changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] Discount.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] AppliedDiscount.date changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] GraphQLAccess.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] GraphQLAccess.expiresAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] GraphQLCallStats.lastUsedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] PriceAlteration.startDate changed type from String! to Date!.
    • [BREAKING] Subscription.nextOrderDate changed type from String! to Date!.
    • [BREAKING] Subscription.nextRetryDate changed type from String! to Date!.
    • [BREAKING] Subscription.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Subscription.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] SubscriptionContract.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] SubscriptionContract.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] SubscriptionPayment.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] SubscriptionPayment.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] AdminDiscount.date changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] PreorderDeliveryWindow.deliveryStartDate changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] PreorderDeliveryWindow.deliveryEndDate changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] PreorderDeliveryWindow.salesStartDate changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] PreorderDeliveryWindow.salesEndDate changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] PriceAlterationCreateInput.startDate changed type from String! to Date!.
    • [BREAKING] PriceAlterationUpdateInput.startDate changed type from String to Date.
    • [BREAKING] CustomerCreateInput.birthdate changed type from String to Date.
    • [BREAKING] CustomerCreateInput.createdAt changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] CustomerUpdateInput.birthdate changed type from String to Date.
    • [BREAKING] CampaignVariantSetInput.startAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] CampaignVariantSetInput.stopAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountCreateInput.startAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountCreateInput.stopAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountUpdateInput.startAt changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountUpdateInput.stopAt changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionCriteriaNewCustomerInput.since changed type from String! to Date!.
    • [BREAKING] PreorderDeliveryWindowInput.deliveryDateRange changed type from DateRange to DateRange!.
    • [BREAKING] PreorderDeliveryWindowInput.salesDateRange changed type from DateRange to DateRange!.
    • [BREAKING] Bundle.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Bundle.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] OpeningDay.date changed type from String to Date.
    • [BREAKING] BundleSection.createdAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] BundleSection.updatedAt changed type from String! to DateTimeTz!.
    • [BREAKING] Shipment.shippedAt changed type from String to DateTimeTz.
    • [BREAKING] SubscriptionCreateInput.nextOrderDate changed type from String! to Date!.


  • Speed improvements.


  • Internal improvements related to cache.


  • New mutation setOrdersLock was added.


  • Bugfixing, internal improvements.


  • Mutations createProductVariant and updateProductVariant now accept empty variantNumber.


  • Internal improvements.


  • [BREAKING] OrderHistoryEntry.purchaser changed type from Purchaser! to Purchaser.


  • Shipment.internalShippingCost was added.
  • Shipment.shippedAt was added.
  • [DEPRECATED] Shipment.emailSentAt is now deprecated, use Shipment.shippedAt instead.
  • Display was added to enum type AttributeObjectType.
  • ObjectWithAttributes added to interfaces implemented by Display.


  • Make the setStock mutation handle a lot more input (up to 10k sizes in one call).


  • Descriptions and meta fields are shared between displays of the same product and store (again).


  • An optional field SKU on input type ProductSizeFilter was added.


  • New mutations added:
    • setStock – unlike changeStock, you can provide absolute physical or FTA stock values.
  • An optional field isPaid on input type ShipmentCreateInput was added.


  • Hotfix: removed applying discount on SubscriptionItem.unitPrice.


  • Hotfix: internal improvements.


  • Hotfix: processing of a deleted attribute.


  • New mutations added:
    • deleteDiscountAction.
    • updateDiscountAction.
  • An optional field freeProducts on input type DiscountActionResultInput was added.
  • [BREAKING] Renamed DiscountActionCriteriaInput to DiscountActionCriteriaCreateInput, but kept DiscountActionCriteriaInput to contain only id. It required the following changed:
    • An optional field id on input type DiscountActionCriteriaInput was added.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionCreateInput.addCriteria changed type from [DiscountActionCriteriaInput!]! to [DiscountActionCriteriaCreateInput!]!.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionCriteriaInput.always was removed.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionCriteriaInput.productQuantity was removed.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionCriteriaInput.orderQuantity was removed.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionCriteriaInput.productValue was removed.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionCriteriaInput.orderValue was removed.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionCriteriaInput.xOfY was removed.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionCriteriaInput.oncePerCustomer was removed.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionCriteriaInput.newCustomer was removed.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionCriteriaInput.loggedInCustomer was removed.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionCriteriaInput.productVariants was removed.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionCriteriaInput.categories was removed.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionCriteriaInput.folders was removed.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionCriteriaInput.deliveryWindows was removed.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionCriteriaInput.productsNotDiscounted was removed.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionCriteriaInput.productInSale was removed.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionCriteriaInput.productInNews was removed.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionCriteriaInput.productsAffectedByOtherVoucher was removed.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionCriteriaInput.cheapestProducts was removed.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionCriteriaInput.costliestProducts was removed.


  • New mutations added:
    • updateSubscription.
    • addOrderNote.
    • confirmOrder.
  • New DiscountActionResultInput types were added:
    • An optional field selectedProducts on input type DiscountActionResultInput was added.
    • An optional field productTotal on input type DiscountActionResultInput was added.
    • An optional field orderTotal on input type DiscountActionResultInput was added.
    • An optional field freeShipping on input type DiscountActionResultInput was added.
  • Currency.isBase was added.
  • Added a new query to fetch multiple bundles Query.bundles.


  • New calculateTaxes query was added.
  • New DiscountActionCriteria types were added:
    • PRODUCTS_NOT_DISCOUNTED was added to enum type DiscountActionCriteriaType.
    • PRODUCTS_NOT_AFFECTED_BY_OTHER_VOUCHER was added to enum type DiscountActionCriteriaType.
    • CHEAPEST_PRODUCTS was added to enum type DiscountActionCriteriaType.
    • COSTLIEST_PRODUCTS was added to enum type DiscountActionCriteriaType.
    • An optional field productInSale on input type DiscountActionCriteriaInput was added.
    • An optional field productInNews on input type DiscountActionCriteriaInput was added.
    • An optional field productsAffectedByOtherVoucher on input type DiscountActionCriteriaInput was added.
    • An optional field productsNotDiscounted on input type DiscountActionCriteriaInput was added.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionCriteriaQuantityInput was removed.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionCriteriaInput.productQuantity changed type from DiscountActionCriteriaQuantityInput to DiscountActionCriteriaComparableQuantityInput.
    • [BREAKING] DiscountActionCriteriaInput.orderQuantity changed type from DiscountActionCriteriaQuantityInput to DiscountActionCriteriaComparableQuantityInput.
    • An optional field cheapestProducts on input type DiscountActionCriteriaInput was added.
    • An optional field costliestProducts on input type DiscountActionCriteriaInput was added.
  • Added mutation deleteShippingOption.


  • New mutations added:
    • deleteCategory,
    • updateProductMedia.
  • New DiscountActionCriteria types were added:
    • An optional field productQuantity on input type DiscountActionCriteriaInput was added.
    • An optional field orderQuantity on input type DiscountActionCriteriaInput was added.
    • An optional field xOfY on input type DiscountActionCriteriaInput was added.
    • An optional field oncePerCustomer on input type DiscountActionCriteriaInput was added.
    • An optional field newCustomer on input type DiscountActionCriteriaInput was added.
    • An optional field loggedInCustomer on input type DiscountActionCriteriaInput was added.
    • An optional field productVariants on input type DiscountActionCriteriaInput was added.
    • An optional field categories on input type DiscountActionCriteriaInput was added.
    • An optional field folders on input type DiscountActionCriteriaInput was added.
    • An optional field deliveryWindows on input type DiscountActionCriteriaInput was added.
    • An optional field productValue on input type DiscountActionCriteriaInput was added.
    • An optional field orderValue on input type DiscountActionCriteriaInput was added.
  • It is now possible to set customer creation date in the createCustomer mutation. An optional field createdAt on input type CustomerCreateInput was added.


  • Corrected the way shipment line allocations are connected to shipment lines.


  • Fixed a few issues related to product media attributes and their translations.


  • [BREAKING] Field userErrors in mutation payload now has to be always selected, otherwise an error is triggered.
  • New mutations added:
    • updateCategory.
    • addDiscountAction.
  • Added possibility assign and unassign attributes on ProductMedia
    • ProductMedia was added to enum type AttributeObjectType.
    • ProductMedia was added to enum type LocalizableObjectType.
    • ObjectWithAttributes added to interfaces implemented by ProductMedia.
    • Localizable added to interfaces implemented by ProductMedia.
  • DiscountAction.entryPoint was added.
  • CORS (cross-origin) handling was improved, it is now possible to enable it on demand.


  • New mutations added:
    • updateDiscount.
    • setCategoryDisplays.
    • unsetCategoryDisplays.
    • sortCategoryDisplays.
  • Market.displays was added.
  • It is now possible to set shipping groups with ranges for ShippingOption:
    • An optional field addShippingGroups on input type ShippingOptionCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field addShippingGroups on input type ShippingOptionUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field updateShippingGroups on input type ShippingOptionUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field deleteShippingGroups on input type ShippingOptionUpdateInput was added.
  • An optional field receiveNewsletters on input type BuyerCreateInput was added.
  • An optional field receiveNewsletters on input type CustomerCreateInput was added.
  • An optional field receiveNewsletters on input type BuyerUpdateInput was added.
  • An optional field receiveNewsletters on input type CustomerUpdateInput was added.
  • The following fields were made non-nullable:
    • Query.localizableFields
    • Query.productSizes
    • GeneralDocumentTemplate.defaultInMarkets
    • MediaBatch.productMedia
    • Order.taxBreakdown
    • TaxRule.taxClasses


  • Fixed yet one more stock calculation issue (ported from v0.17.3).


  • Fixed one more stock calculation issue (ported from v0.17.2).


  • Fixed a stock totals calculation issue (ported from v0.17.1).


  • New mutations added:
    • deleteAccount.
    • createDiscount.
    • setMarketDisplays.
    • unsetMarketDisplays.
  • Discount type now returns url value in a separate field:
    • An optional field url on type Discount was added.
    • [BREAKING] Field Dicount.code doesn't return url value for method set to DiscountMethod.URL.
  • ProductMedia.metaDataJSON was added to expose variable-structured media meta-data.
  • An optional field metaDataJSON on input type MediaBatchProductInput was added.
  • Added missing fields to subscription plan mutations (create and update):
    • An optional field discount on input type SubscriptionPlanCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field interval on input type SubscriptionPlanUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field discount on input type SubscriptionPlanUpdateInput was added.
  • MonetaryValue has been extended with new fields related to the conversion to a base currency
    • MonetaryValue.valueInCents was added
    • MonetaryValue.converted was added
    • MonetaryValue.conversionRate was added
    • MonetaryValue.conversionDate was added
    • Order.currencyBaseRate is now deprecated, use Order.grandTotal.conversionRate instead
    • Invoice.currencyBaseRate is now deprecated, use Invoice.grandTotal.conversionRate instead
    • Shipping.currencyBaseRate is now deprecated, use Shipping.grandTotal.conversionRate instead
    • Return.currencyBaseRate is now deprecated, use Return.grandTotal.conversionRate instead
    • PaymentHistoryEntry.currencyBaseRate is now deprecated, use PaymentHistoryEntry.value.conversionRate instead
    • WarehouseDeliveryLine.currencyBaseRate is now deprecated, use WarehouseDeliveryLine.unitCost.conversionRate instead
    • WarehouseDeliveryLine.baseValue is now deprecated, use WarehouseDeliveryLine.unitCost.converted instead


  • Fixed yet one more stock calculation issue.


  • Fixed one more stock calculation issue.


  • Fixed a stock totals calculation issue.


  • New mutations added:
    • updateCustomer.
    • deleteCustomer.
    • updateMarket.
    • deleteMarket.
    • updateSubscriptionContract.
    • createShippingOption.
    • updateShippingOption.
    • createCategory.
  • Account.visibleForAgents was added.
  • SubscriptionContract.subscriptionPayment was added.
  • SubscriptionContract.internalComment was added.
  • [BREAKING] Query.subscriptionContracts arg sort has changed type from [SubscriptionSort!] to [SubscriptionContractSort!].
  • Renamed sex to gender:
    • An optional field gender on input type PurchaserFilter was added.
    • An optional field gender on input type CustomerCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field gender on input type CustomerUpdateInput was added.
    • [BREAKING] Sex was removed.
    • [BREAKING] Customer.sex changed type from Sex to Gender.
    • [BREAKING] PurchaserFilter.sex changed type from [Sex!] to [Gender!].
    • [BREAKING] CustomerCreateInput.sex was removed.
    • [BREAKING] CustomerUpdateInput.sex was removed.
    • [DEPRECATED] Customer.sex is now deprecated, use gender instead.
    • [DEPRECATED] PurchaseFilter.sex is now deprecated, use gender instead.
  • [DEPRECATED] Some mutations are now deprecated in favor of their renamed successors:
    • removeSizeChart is now deprecated, use deleteSizeChart instead.
    • removeMeasurementChart is now deprecated, use deleteMeasurementChart instead.
    • removeProductMedia is now deprecated, use deleteProductMedia instead.
    • removeCampaign is now deprecated, use deleteCampaign instead.
  • Some other fields were renamed, that is:
    • An optional field deleteBundleSections on input type BundleUpdateInput was added.
    • [BREAKING] BundleUpdateInput.removeBundleSections was removed.
    • An optional field deleteDeliveryWindowDiscounts on input type AccountDiscountsInput was added.
    • [BREAKING] AccountDiscountsInput.removeDeliveryWindowDiscounts was removed.
  • [BREAKING] Default date format has been updated to match ISO-8601, ATOM, RFC3339 and W3C standard. Time zone offset will now be using colon for hours:minutes separator.
    • Account.createdAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Account.updatedAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • AdminDiscount.date arg format has changed defaultValue
    • AdminUser.createdAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • AdminUser.lastLoginAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • AdminUser.lastOnlineAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Affiliate.updatedAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • AppliedDiscount.date arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Buyer.createdAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Buyer.lastLoginAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Buyer.lastOnlineAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Buyer.updatedAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Campaign.createdAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Campaign.updatedAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • CampaignVariant.createdAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • CampaignVariant.startAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • CampaignVariant.stopAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Currency.updatedAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Customer.birthdate arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Customer.createdAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Customer.lastLoginAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Customer.lastOnlineAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Customer.updatedAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • DirectToConsumerOrder.createdAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • DirectToConsumerOrder.orderDate arg format has changed defaultValue
    • DirectToConsumerOrder.updatedAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Discount.createdAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Discount.startAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Discount.stopAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Discount.updatedAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Display.updatedAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • EmailHistoryEntry.createdAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • GraphQLAccess.createdAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • GraphQLAccess.expiresAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • GraphQLCallStats.lastUsedAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Invoice.createdAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Invoice.updatedAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Market.updatedAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • NewsletterSubscription.createdAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • NumberSeries.updatedAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Order.createdAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • OrderDiscount.date arg format has changed defaultValue
    • OrderHistoryEntry.createdAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Order.orderDate arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Order.updatedAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • PaymentHistoryEntry.createdAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • PreorderDeliveryWindow.deliveryEndDate arg format has changed defaultValue
    • PreorderDeliveryWindow.deliveryStartDate arg format has changed defaultValue
    • PreorderDeliveryWindow.salesEndDate arg format has changed defaultValue
    • PreorderDeliveryWindow.salesStartDate arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Pricelist.updatedAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Product.createdAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • ProductSize.updatedAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Product.updatedAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • ProductVariant.updatedAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Purchaser.createdAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Purchaser.lastLoginAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Purchaser.lastOnlineAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Purchaser.updatedAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Return.createdAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Shipment.createdAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Shipment.emailSentAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Shipment.paidAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Shipment.updatedAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • ShippingOption.updatedAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • SubscriptionContract.createdAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • SubscriptionContract.updatedAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Subscription.createdAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • SubscriptionPlan.createdAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • SubscriptionPlan.updatedAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • Subscription.updatedAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • TaxRule.applyFrom arg format has changed defaultValue
    • TaxRule.applyTo arg format has changed defaultValue
    • WarehouseDelivery.createdAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • WholesaleOrder.cancelDate arg format has changed defaultValue
    • WholesaleOrder.createdAt arg format has changed defaultValue
    • WholesaleOrder.estimatedDeliveryDate arg format has changed defaultValue
    • WholesaleOrder.orderDate arg format has changed defaultValue
    • WholesaleOrder.preferredShippingDate arg format has changed defaultValue
    • WholesaleOrder.updatedAt arg format has changed defaultValue


  • Internal: improve the way batch image upload is handled.


  • Internal: usage of deprecated fields and permissions is now recorded.


  • Account mutations were extended:
    • An optional field documentTemplate on input type AccountCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field documentTemplate on input type AccountUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field addVisibleForAgents on input type AccountCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field addVisibleForAgents on input type AccountUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field removeVisibleForAgents on input type AccountUpdateInput was added.
  • Account query was extended:
    • An optional field documentTemplateId on input type AccountFilter was added.
    • Account.documentTemplate was added.
  • New mutations added:
    • createCustomer.
    • createPricelist.
    • updatePricelist.
    • deletePricelist.
    • createMarket.
    • updateBuyer.
  • Customer.websiteUrl and Customer.internalComment were added.


  • Added PriceAlteration.prices, exposing altered prices with standard PriceFilter.
  • An optional field storeId on input type PriceAlterationFilter was added.
  • Shipment.updatedAt was added.
    • updatedAt_ASC was added to enum type ShipmentSort.
    • updatedAt_DESC was added to enum type ShipmentSort.
    • An optional field updatedAt on input type ShipmentFilter was added.
  • [BREAKING] Permissions got simplified, the list of permissions is now 70% shorter. For more info, please reach to us on slack.
  • [DEPRECATED] AllocationRule.defaultWarehouse and AllocationRule.warehouses are now deprecated, warehouses are on geo priorities.
  • [DEPRECATED] Currency.pricelists and Currency.shippingOptions are now deprecated, these relations are only useful from the other side.
  • [DEPRECATED] Size.productSizes is now deprecated, this relation is only useful from the other side.
  • [DEPRECATED] Store.totalPurchasers and Store.totalOrders are now deprecated, use Query.counters instead.
  • WarehouseAllocationPriorityFilter got fixed:
    • [BREAKING] WarehouseAllocationPriorityFilter.priorityNumber was removed.
    • [BREAKING] WarehouseAllocationPriorityFilter.timeoutInHours changed type from Float! to FloatRange.
  • Current app version is now returned in every GraphQL response.


  • New mutations added:
    • createBuyer.
    • deleteBuyer.
    • updateAddressBookEntry.
    • deleteAddressBookEntry.
  • [BREAKING] Purchaser.sex was removed.
  • [BREAKING] Purchaser.isAnonymized was removed.
  • [BREAKING] Purchaser.language was removed.
  • [BREAKING] Buyer.sex was removed.
  • [BREAKING] Buyer.isAnonymized was removed.
  • [BREAKING] Buyer.language was removed.
  • Subscription.isWaitingForPayment was added.


  • Added mutation createAddressBookEntry.
  • Account mutations were extended with discounts:
    • An optional field discounts on input type AccountCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field discounts on input type AccountUpdateInput was added.
  • Account mutations were extended with restricted brands:
    • An optional field hasBrandsRestriction on input type AccountCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field addBrands on input type AccountCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field hasBrandsRestriction on input type AccountUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field addBrands on input type AccountUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field removeBrands on input type AccountUpdateInput was added.
  • SubscriptionLine.productSize was added.
  • [BREAKING] SingleVariantSubscriptionLine.productSize changed type from Size to ProductSize.
  • [BREAKING] BundleSubscriptionLine.size was removed.
  • BundleSubscriptionLine.productSize was added.


  • Account mutations were extended with addresses:
    • An optional field accountAddress on input type AccountCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field shippingAddress on input type AccountCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field billingAddress on input type AccountCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field accountAddress on input type AccountUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field shippingAddress on input type AccountUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field billingAddress on input type AccountUpdateInput was added.
  • Added invoice document templates via Query.documentTemplates.


  • Added mutation updateAccount.
  • Sorting by OrderSort and filtering by OrderFilter was added to Subscription.generatedOrders.


  • Subscription.generatedOrders was added.


  • Hotfix related to userErrors in mutations.


  • New mutations added:
    • createAccount.
    • createCampaign and updateCampaign.
    • setCampaignVariants.
    • unsetCampaignVariants.
    • setAlteredPrices.
  • Subscription.discount was added.
  • Subscription.internalComment was added.
  • SubscriptionLine.originalUnitPrice was added.


  • SubscriptionPlan.discount was added.
  • Product mutations were extended with weight input:
    • An optional field weight on input type ProductCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field weight on input type ProductUpdateInput was added.
  • An optional field isActive on input type AllocationRuleFilter was added.
  • Optional fields isActive and activeAllocationRule on type AllocationRule were added.


  • Added mutation removeCampaign.
  • Fixed an internal error related to GiftCertificateGenerator type.


  • An optional field values on input type MeasurementTableInput was added.
  • [BREAKING] GraphQLAccess.callStats changed type from GraphQLCallStats to [GraphQLCallStats!]!.


  • Measurement chart is now editable via product mutations:
    • An optional field measurementTable on input type ProductCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field measurementTable on input type ProductUpdateInput was added.
  • Subscription attention reason enum was extended with new values:
    • NOT_PURCHASABLE was added to enum type AttentionReason.
    • OUT_OF_STOCK was added to enum type AttentionReason.
    • NO_SHIPPING was added to enum type AttentionReason.
    • NO_MARKET was added to enum type AttentionReason.


  • Payload added to interfaces implemented by StockChangePayload.
  • Added subscriptions and subscription items, in particular:
    • Query.subscriptionContracts
    • Query.subscriptions
  • New mutations added:
    • createBundle and updateBundle,
    • createSizeChart, updateSizeChart, updateSizeChartLabels, mergeSizeCharts, removeSizeChart.
  • [BREAKING] Description fields in ProductSize mutations' inputs were removed. Size's name is used instead.
    • ProductSizeCreateInput.description was removed.
    • ProductSizeUpdateInput.description was removed.
  • Added price alterations, in particular Query.priceAlteration and Query.priceAlterations
  • [DEPRECATED] SizeChart.isEnabled is always true, so it brings no value. It will be deleted in the future.
  • New fields added to orders: isLocked, isOnHold, isWaitingForPayment, isInternal otherComment, allocationRule, and some wholesale-specific ones. Also, OrderFilter got them updated:
    • An optional field preferredShippingDate on input type OrderFilter was added.
    • An optional field estimatedDeliveryDate on input type OrderFilter was added.
    • An optional field cancelDate on input type OrderFilter was added.
    • An optional field isLocked on input type OrderFilter was added.
    • An optional field isOnHold on input type OrderFilter was added.
    • An optional field isWaitingForPayment on input type OrderFilter was added.
    • An optional field isInternal on input type OrderFilter was added.
    • An optional field otherComment on input type OrderFilter was added.
    • An optional field allocationRuleId on input type OrderFilter was added.
  • Added price alterations, in particular Query.priceAlteration and Query.priceAlterations.
  • Added mutations createPriceAlteration and updatePriceAlteration.
  • An optional field measurementChartId on input type ProductFilter was added.
  • Added mutation removeMeasurementChart.


  • Added Query.counters to easily fetch selected objects counters.
  • [DEPRECATED] Query.graphQLAccessTokenCount is now redundant, use Query.counters.graphQLAccess instead.
  • CategoryFilter.storeId changed type from Int to [Int!].
  • An optional field isAvailableForLocalization on input type LanguageFilter was added.
  • An optional field isActive on input type LanguageFilter was added.
  • An optional field storeId on input type NewsletterSubscriptionFilter was added.


  • Hotfix for filtering ProductVariant.campaignVariants by token restrictions.


  • New changeStock mutation was added.
  • Added subscription plans, in particular Query.subscriptionPlans and ProductVariant.availableInSubscriptionPlans.
  • New createSubscriptionPlan, updateSubscriptionPlan, setSubscriptionPlanVariants, unsetSubscriptionPlanVariants mutations were added.
  • MappedAttribute is now fully localizable.
  • An optional field storeId on input type PriceFilter was added.
  • [BREAKING] Price.price changed type from MonetaryValue! to MonetaryValue. From now on, every combination of ProductVariant + Pricelist will return a Price object, which in some cases will have price field as null.


  • New removeProductMedia mutation was added.


  • An optional field totalSizes on input type SizeChartFilter was added.


  • Hotfix for the createProductVariant mutation with custom attributes.


  • Fixed: displayItems query failing with store-restricted tokens.
  • Fixed: createAttribute mutation can now accept null for uploadUUID on file and image elements.


  • Fixed: createProduct mutation with non-empty assignAttributes causing internal error.


  • Some objects referenced by supplier module PurchaseOrderLine and PurchaseOrderDeliveryLine are now nullable:
    • PurchaseOrderLine.product changed type from Product! to Product.
    • PurchaseOrderLine.productVariant changed type from ProductVariant! to ProductVariant.
    • PurchaseOrderLine.productSize changed type from ProductSize! to ProductSize.
    • PurchaseOrderDeliveryLine.product changed type from Product! to Product.
    • PurchaseOrderDeliveryLine.productVariant changed type from ProductVariant! to ProductVariant.
    • PurchaseOrderDeliveryLine.productSize changed type from ProductSize! to ProductSize.


  • An optional field emailSentAt on input type ShipmentFilter was added.


  • Hotfix for internal ORM error.


  • [BREAKING] ProductUpdateInput.unassignMappedAttributes changed type from [MappedAttributeAssignInput!] to [MappedAttributeUnassignInput!].
  • [BREAKING] ProductVariantUpdateInput.unassignMappedAttributes changed type from [MappedAttributeAssignInput!] to [MappedAttributeUnassignInput!].


  • [BREAKING] Renamed ProductSizeCreateInput.productSize to size and ProductSizeInput to SizeInput.
  • ProductSizeCreateInput.quantity was removed.
  • ProductSizeUpdateInput.quantity was removed.


  • New createDeliveryWindow and updateDeliveryWindow mutations were added.
  • New setDeliveryWindowVariant and unsetDeliveryWindowVariant mutations were added.
  • [BREAKING] All preOrder and isPreOrder fields have been renamed to preorder:
    • PreOrderDeliveryWindow is named PreorderDeliveryWindow now.
    • ProductSize.preOrder is named preorder now.
    • ProductSizeFilter.preOrder is named preorder now.
    • ProductSizeCreateInput.isPreOrder is named preorder now.
    • ProductSizeUpdateInput.isPreOrder is named preorder now.
  • All payload object types should now implement the Payload interface:
  • An optional field folder on input type ProductCreateInput was added.
  • An optional field folder on input type ProductUpdateInput was added.


  • Hotfix for an edge case with mapped attributes translations.


  • New updateAttribute mutation was added.
  • An optional field fileElements on input type AttributeCreateInput was added.
  • An optional field imageElements on input type AttributeCreateInput was added.
  • An optional field fileElements on input type AttributeUpdateInput was added.
  • An optional field imageElements on input type AttributeUpdateInput was added.
  • New createProductSize and updateProductSize mutations were added.


  • New addDisplayRelation mutation was added.
  • New removeDisplayRelation mutation was added.
  • New createAttribute mutation was added.
  • Query.displayItems was added.


  • New createDisplay and updateDisplay mutations were added.
  • New setPrices mutation was added.
  • ProductInput.id changed type from Int to Int!.
  • MediaUploadCompleteInput.objectType changed type from MediaObjectType to MediaObjectType!.
  • pricelistId_ASC was added to enum type PriceSort.
  • Sorting and filtering by updatedAt was added to some types:
    • updatedAt_ASC was added to types CampaignSort and DisplaySort
    • updatedAt_ASC was added to enum type CampaignSort.
    • updatedAt_DESC was added to enum type CampaignSort.
    • updatedAt_ASC was added to enum type DisplaySort.
    • updatedAt_DESC was added to enum type DisplaySort.
    • updatedAt_ASC was added to enum type ProductSort.
    • updatedAt_DESC was added to enum type ProductSort.
    • updatedAt_ASC was added to enum type ProductVariantSort.
    • updatedAt_DESC was added to enum type ProductVariantSort.
    • updatedAt_ASC was added to enum type ProductSizeSort.
    • updatedAt_DESC was added to enum type ProductSizeSort.
    • An optional field updatedAt on input type CampaignFilter was added.
    • An optional field updatedAt on input type DisplayFilter was added.
    • An optional field updatedAt on input type ProductVariantFilter was added.
    • An optional field updatedAt on input type ProductSizeFilter was added.


  • Mutations for adding new ProductMedia to Product and ProductVariant were added:
    • createMediaUpload
    • completeMediaUpload


  • localize mutation was added. See Query.localizableFields to see which fields are available for translation.
    • Localizable added to interfaces implemented by Country.
    • Localizable added to interfaces implemented by Display.
    • Localizable added to interfaces implemented by GiftCertificateGenerator.
    • Localizable added to interfaces implemented by ProductVariant.
    • Country was added to enum type LocalizableObjectType.
    • Display was added to enum type LocalizableObjectType.
    • GiftCertificateGenerator was added to enum type LocalizableObjectType.
    • ProductVariant was added to enum type LocalizableObjectType.
  • Customer.birthdate was added.
    • An optional field birthdate on input type PurchaserFilter was added.


  • [BREAKING] Attribute interface was added instead of AssignedAttribute. It has two concrete implementations: MappedAttribute and DynamicAttribute.
    • Attribute added to interfaces implemented by MappedAttribute.
    • AssignedAttribute was removed.
    • SizeChart was added to enum type AttributeObjectType.
    • ObjectWithAttributes.attributes changed type from [AssignedAttribute!]! to [Attribute!]!.
    • Account.attributes changed type from [AssignedAttribute!]! to [Attribute!]!.
    • ProductVariant.attributes changed type from [AssignedAttribute!]! to [Attribute!]!.
    • Order.attributes changed type from [AssignedAttribute!]! to [Attribute!]!.
    • Product.attributes changed type from [AssignedAttribute!]! to [Attribute!]!.
    • WholesaleOrder.attributes changed type from [AssignedAttribute!]! to [Attribute!]!.
    • Customer.attributes changed type from [AssignedAttribute!]! to [Attribute!]!.
    • DirectToConsumerOrder.attributes changed type from [AssignedAttribute!]! to [Attribute!]!.
  • [BREAKING] StringMatch is now used in most filters with string input, and all other String or [String!] are used literally. Queries relying on partial matches should now use one of defined matching types. Instead of passing where: {name: ["abc"]}, use where: {name: {contains: ["abc"]}} or where: {name: {startsWith: ["abc"]}}.
    • AccountFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • AccountFilter.accountEmail changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • AccountFilter.billingEmail changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • AccountFilter.shippingEmail changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • AccountFilter.vatNumber changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • AdminUserFilter.userName changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • AdminUserFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • AdminUserFilter.email changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • AffiliateFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • AffiliateFilter.uri changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • AllocationRuleFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • BrandFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • BrandFilter.uri changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • BrickAndMortarFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • BrickAndMortarFilter.address changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • CampaignFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • CategoryFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • CategoryFilter.uri changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • CollectionFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • CollectionFilter.uri changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • ContinentFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • CountryFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • CountryFilter.continent changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • CountryStateFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • CurrencyFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • DeliveryWindowFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • DiscountFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • DiscountFilter.code changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • DisplayFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • DisplayFilter.uri changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • DisplayFilter.description changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • DisplayFilter.shortDescription changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • EmailHistoryFilter.recipient changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • FolderFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • GiftCertificateGeneratorFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • GraphQLAccessFilter.description changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • InvoiceFilter.purchaseOrderNumber changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • LanguageFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • MappedAttributeFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • MappedAttributeFilter.typeName changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • MarketFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • MeasurementChartFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • NewsletterSubscriptionFilter.email changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • OrderFilter.purchaseOrderNumber changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • OrderFilter.userIp changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • PaymentTermsFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • PaymentTermsFilter.description changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • PricelistFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • ProductFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • ProductFilter.productNumber changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • ProductFilter.harmonizedCommodityCode changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • ProductFilter.harmonizedCommodityDescription changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • ProductFilter.internalComment changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • ProductSizeFilter.description changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • ProductSizeFilter.GTIN changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • ProductSizeFilter.sizeNumber changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • ProductVariantFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • ProductVariantFilter.variantNumber changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • PurchaserFilter.email changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • PurchaserFilter.firstName changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • PurchaserFilter.lastName changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • PurchaserFilter.cellPhoneNumber changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • PurchaserFilter.otherPhoneNumber changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • PurchaserFilter.phoneNumber changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • SalesRepresentativeFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • SalesRepresentativeFilter.email changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • ShippingOptionFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • ShippingOptionFilter.uri changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • ShippingTermsFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • ShippingTermsFilter.description changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • SizeChartFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • StoreFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • StorePluginFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • StorePluginFilter.uri changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • TaxClassFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • TaxGroupFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • TaxRuleFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • TaxRuleFilter.displayName changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • WarehouseDeliveryLineFilter.productSizeName changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • WarehouseDeliveryFilter.comment changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.
    • WarehouseFilter.name changed type from [String!] to StringMatch.


  • [DEPRECATED] otherPhoneNumber should no longer be used, use phoneNumber instead.
  • An optional field phoneNumber on input type PurchaserFilter was added.
  • New field: thousandsSeparator was added to Currency.
  • Added limit checks where limit is required. The maximum limit is now 200.


  • Hotfix related to caching configuration.


  • Adding events after each mutation.


  • List of mapped attributes is now available under Query.mappedAttributes. Also
    • Attribute was removed.
    • MappedAttribute was added instead.
  • AttributeType.objectType changed type from String! to AttributeObjectType!.
  • Category type got 3 new meta fields: metaTitle, metaDescription and metaKeywords.
  • Localizations (translations) were added:
    • Query.localizableFields returns a list of fields per localizable object type.
    • Localizable interface was added.
    • Localizable added to interfaces implemented by Category.
    • Localizable added to interfaces implemented by MappedAttribute.
    • Localizable added to interfaces implemented by Product.


  • Batch image upload mutation (createMediaBatch) and query (mediaBatch) were added.
  • Minor hotfixes.


  • Performance improvements for querying data related to orders.


  • Hotfixes for broken variant mutations.


  • assignAttributes and unassignAttributes mutations were added.

  • createProductVariant and createProduct mutations can now assign attributes to created objects.

  • updateProductVariant and updateProduct mutations can now assign and unassign attributes to product and product variant.

    Specifically, the following changed on product and product variant mutations:

    • An optional field assignMappedAttributes on input type ProductCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field assignDynamicAttributes on input type ProductCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field assignMappedAttributes on input type ProductUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field assignDynamicAttributes on input type ProductUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field unassignMappedAttributes on input type ProductUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field unassignDynamicAttributes on input type ProductUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field assignMappedAttributes on input type ProductVariantCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field assignDynamicAttributes on input type ProductVariantCreateInput was added.
    • An optional field assignMappedAttributes on input type ProductVariantUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field assignDynamicAttributes on input type ProductVariantUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field unassignMappedAttributes on input type ProductVariantUpdateInput was added.
    • An optional field unassignDynamicAttributes on input type ProductVariantUpdateInput was added.
  • New ObjectWithAttributes interface was added:

    • ObjectWithAttributes added to interfaces implemented by Account.
    • ObjectWithAttributes added to interfaces implemented by ProductVariant.
    • ObjectWithAttributes added to interfaces implemented by Order.
    • ObjectWithAttributes added to interfaces implemented by Product.
    • ObjectWithAttributes added to interfaces implemented by WholesaleOrder.
    • ObjectWithAttributes added to interfaces implemented by Customer.
    • ObjectWithAttributes added to interfaces implemented by DirectToConsumerOrder.


  • Bug fix: createProductVariant mutation failed when unitCost was not provided.


  • Discount.startAt changed type from String! to String.
  • Discount.stopAt changed type from String! to String.


  • Customer.isRegistered was added.
  • Customer.isAnonymized and Buyer.isAnonymized are not nullable anymore.
  • WholesaleOrder.account changed type from Account! to Account.
  • WholesaleOrder.buyer changed type from Buyer! to Buyer.


  • Bug fix: OrderLine.returnedQuantity incorrectly turned to null when empty.


  • Bug fix: missing field OrderFilter.storeType.


  • Bug fix: brand mutations.


  • createFolder and updateFolder mutations were added.
  • createCollection and updateCollection mutations were added.
  • Payload added to interfaces implemented by ProductCreatePayload.
  • Payload added to interfaces implemented by ProductUpdatePayload.
  • Payload added to interfaces implemented by ProductVariantCreatePayload.
  • Payload added to interfaces implemented by ProductVariantUpdatePayload.


  • Bug fixes: store restrictions and address-related.


  • createBrand and updateBrand mutations were added.
  • All authorisation and restriction directives are now automatically added to field descriptions.


  • CampaignVariantFilter is now being used to filter campaigns assigned to given ProductVariant and Display. Additionally:

    • An optional field campaignId on input type CampaignVariantFilter was added.
    • An optional field productVariantId on input type CampaignVariantFilter was added.
  • New field: updatedAt was added to DirectToConsumerOrder and WholesaleOrder.

  • updatedAt_ASC was added to enum type OrderSort.

  • updatedAt_DESC was added to enum type OrderSort.

  • An optional field updatedAt on input type OrderFilter was added.


  • New fields: linkedQuantity and unlinkedQuantity were added to PurchaseOrderLine and PurchaseOrderDeliveryLine types.


  • createProductVariant and updateProductVariant mutations were added.
  • Order.internalComment was added.


  • An optional field status on input type PaymentHistoryEntryFilter was added.


  • Demand calculation were updated to include new Allocation Rule settings.


  • createProduct and updateProduct mutations were added.


  • Display.canonicalCategory was added.
  • Display.displayItems were added to expose DisplayItem.id, which is used by front-end APIs.


  • Fixed Order.appliedDiscounts bug.


  • [BREAKING] Renamed OrderStatus PARTIAL to PROCESSING. In other words:
    • PROCESSING was added to enum type OrderStatus.
    • PARTIAL was removed from enum type OrderStatus.


Changelog started

  • [BREAKING] Order.market changed type from Market! to Market. It was necessary, because sometimes markets are deleted permanently. Same with the two interface implementations:
  • [BREAKING] DirectToConsumerOrder.market changed type from Market! to Market.
  • [BREAKING] WholesaleOrder.market changed type from Market! to Market.
  • [BREAKING] DirectToConsumerOrder.customer changed type from Customer! to Customer. It happens sometimes that customers are permanently deleted from the database.