
Last updated

Working with vouchers#

Vouchers come in 2 primary methods, Automatic and Code these are reported separately in our APIs but both can do the same things.

Most commonly vouchers are used to reduce the value of the customers selection, but they can also be used to give a free product or give free shipping. You will want to display information about these benefits to the customer in different ways, and this article will show you the data we provide to you to do so.

Types of discount given by voucher#

Note that a single voucher might give multiple different discounts.


Discount vouchers reduce the value of items and shipping in the selection, for selections this is always reported as a reduction value, so priceEach and totalPrice in line data is price from pricelist minus campaign. How much voucher have reduced a specific line can be found under the discounts object in the totalDiscount field. If you prefer to list this discount on order instead of per line (which is more common) you can either just show the totals.totalDiscountPrice or to list each applied code separately loop discounts.vouchers.

Discount vouchers may reduce the value of shipping, how much is reported in the shippingDiscount field.

The reason we do not provide the percentage a voucher has been configured with is that it can easily be confusing if we have more than 1 voucher with a percentage being applied. Percentages may also be used to only apply to a small collection of the products.

Free product vouchers#

Free product vouchers will either add an item into the selection, or convert an already existing item to be free. Be aware that this means the same item might end up on multiple lines with different prices. There might be some special rules applied to this item making it impossible to add more of it or remove it. This should be reflected in the FE. Adds a param to discount object called freeProductAdded this object has information about which line is the free line as well as if customer is allowed to add more (none free) or remove it.

Free Shipping vouchers#

Reduces the shippingPrice to 0, adds a field to discount object called freeShippingFor which is a list of shipping options that will be free. If an external shipping provider is used such as Ingrid the free shipping is sent on to that system which then sets the shipping cost. So it is possible to have a free shipping voucher but still have to pay for shipping.

Order vs order-item#

Vouchers can be configured end up on order or be spread on items when they become an order. The most common is to have this as “order-items” since it is very helpful for processing returns. And effect of this is that to the customer the prices on receipt look different than it did in the checkout. the final price is the same but instead of seeing a bigger negative number after all the items each item has had the price reduced. if you do not wish to have this behaviour there are some ways around it.

Follow the voucher settings, show voucher on order for selection and spread to item on receipt#

This is the default way, so use totalPrice for row total discount for automaticDiscount total and priceOff per voucher.

Always show voucher value as a total after the items#

For line total use totalPriceAfterCampaign instead of totalPrice. and use originalPriceOff instead of priceOff when listing vouchers. and for automaticDiscount sum up originalPriceOff and display that.

Always show voucher value per line#

Use priceEachBeforeDiscount as unit price, use totalPriceBeforeDiscount as line total before any discount, totalPriceAfterCampaign to show price after campaign and totalPriceAfterDiscount for line price after all discounts. To list campaign and voucher reductions separately use line level discounts.totalOriginalDiscount for voucher and item level campaign.discount for campaign.

Can I show discounts on order level and item level at the same time?#

Yes, just make sure to display in a way to not confuse customers.

Different voucher methods#


Applied automatically when criteria are fulfilled, shows up under automaticDiscounts


Applied via a code provided by the customer, used via endpoints

CheckoutAPI: POST vouchers

ShopAPI: POST selections/{selection}/vouchers/


Identical to Code vouchers in functionality, just a separate pool of codes, used via endpoint

ShopAPI: POST selections/{selection}/voucher-uri/.

Voucher data#

Order level data#

Root level data

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 { "discounts": { "anyDiscount": false, "discount": "0.00 SEK", "discountAsNumber": 0, "vouchers": [], "automaticDiscounts": [] } }
anyDiscountbooleandoes any of the objects under “vouchers” give a monetary discount
discountstringformatted summary of priceOff given by objects in automaticDiscounts
discountAsNumbernumberunformatted version of discount
vouchersarray/objectlists all code an url vouchers applied to the selection
automaticDiscountsarray/objectlists all auto vouchers applied to the selection

Each object under vouchers have some unique information

1 2 3 4 5 { "voucher": "test-voucher", "type": "code", "description": "Test Voucher 140 SEK", }
voucherstringthe vouchers code or url
typestringeither “code” or “url”
descriptionstringVoucher name

Objects under automaticDiscounts also have some unique fields

1 2 3 4 { "automaticDiscount": "506", "name": "My Test Auto", }
automaticDiscountstringVoucher ID
namestringVoucher name

Objects under vouchers and automaticDiscounts share some fields

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 { "priceOff": "-140.00 SEK", "priceOffAsNumber": -140, "isCredit": false, "originalPriceOff": "-140.00 SEK", "originalPriceOffAsNumber": -140, "expiryDate": "2099-10-07 14:20:00", "attributes": [], "hasAffectedOrder": true }
priceOffstringformatted value for how much is this voucher is actively reducing the total item value by, can change between selection and receipt
priceOffAsNumbernumberunformatted version of priceOff
originalPriceOffstringformatted value for how much discount was given to the order, does not change between selection and receipt
originalPriceOffAsNumbernumberunformatted version of originalPriceOff
isCreditbooleanfalse for discount vouchers, true for credit vouchers (such as gift certificates)
expiryDatestringdate the voucher expires
attributesarraylist of all voucher custom attributes
hasAffectedOrderbooleanhas this discount affected the order (changed the total price, shipping price or added items)

Additionally if the voucher gives a discount you will find the following fields

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 { "lines": [ "fb4c32262fe47308773760fd4e0ac7b2" ], "shippingDiscountAsNumber": 0, "shippingDiscount": "0.00 SEK", }
linesarraya list of all the line IDs this voucher has affected
shippingDiscountstringformatted value of how much this discount has reduced the shipping value of the selection
shippingDiscountAsNumbernumberunformatted version of shippingDiscount

If the voucher has added a free product

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 { "freeProductAdded": { "line": "4651adcaedb16f1ab275ae889c2c354f", "allowRemove": true, "allowAddMore": true }, }
freeProductAddedobjectobject containing some information about the free product added
freeProductAdded.linestringline ID of the item that was added for free
freeProductAdded.allowRemovebooleanis the customer allowed to remove this line
freeProductAdded.allowAddMorebooleanis the customer allowed to add more quantity of this product, note: the added items will not be free, and instead will get the original price of the product.

for a voucher giving free shipping

1 2 3 4 5 6 { "freeShippingFor": [ "sek", "usd" ], }
freeShippingForarraylist of shipping groups this will give free shipping to

Item level voucher data#

The discounts object is null when no vouchers have been applied to the line

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 { "discounts": { "totalDiscount": "-140.00 SEK", "totalDiscountAsNumber": -140, "totalOriginalDiscount": "-140.00 SEK", "totalOriginalDiscountAsNumber": -140, "vouchers": null, "automaticDiscounts": null }, }
totalDiscountstringformatted total discount currently given to line by all vouchers
totalDiscountAsNumbernumberunformatted version of totalDiscount
totalOriginalDiscountstringformatted total of how much discount vouchers have given to this line.
totalOriginalDiscountAsNumbernumberunformatted version of totalOriginalDiscount

Voucher object data

1 2 3 4 5 6 { "voucher": "remain-ladder", "priceOff": "-140.00 SEK", "priceOffAsNumber": -140, "hasAffectedItemPrice": false }
voucherstringcode or url of the voucher, use this to lookup details for voucher in order level data.
priceOffstringformatted total for how much this voucher lowers the price of the line
priceOffAsNumbernumberunformatted version of priceOff
hasAffectedItemPricebooleanhas this voucher reduced the price of the line already, (always false for selections, true on receipt for “order items” vouchers)

automaticDiscount object data

1 2 3 4 5 6 { "automaticDiscount": 516, "priceOff": "-72.00 SEK", "priceOffAsNumber": -72, "hasAffectedItemPrice": false }
automaticDiscountnumberid of the voucher, use this to lookup details in the order level automaticDiscounts data.
priceOffstringformatted total for how much this voucher lowers the price of the line
priceOffAsNumbernumberunformatted version of priceOff
hasAffectedItemPricebooleanhas this voucher reduced the price of the line already, (always false for selections, true on receipt for “order items” vouchers)