Centra IPs

Last updated
  1. You would need an Integration API token with the read permissions for CentraIPs, this can be achieved by creating a new API token or updating an existing one with the correct permission.

In all instances, you will need to access the Centra Administration Management System (AMS) by the URL "https://{{ brand }}.centra.com/{{ ams_path }}/system/integration-api-tokens".

Here you can create/update the integration with the read permission for "CentraIP details"If you don't have access to Centra AMS, please contact the person in your organization who can create this token or reach out to us or Silvia. We'll be able to share the API URLs and tokens from a secure channel.

  1. With this token and URL you'll be able to run the following GraphQL query: curl
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
    -H "Authorization: bearer {{ token }}"
    -X POST
    -d '{"query": "query { centraIPs }"}'
    https://{{ brand }}.centra.com/graphql

  2. The output would be something like this: { "data": { "centraIPs": [ "", "" ] }, "extensions": { "complexity": 10, "permissionsUsed": [ "CentraIP" ] } }

  3. The list of IPs are the ones that will be used for incoming and outgoing traffic, so those should be allowed in your firewall.This can be queried every 10/15 minutes to be effective, while we are doing some intervention there may be more IPs while the instances are being prepared.Just so you know, each brand and environment has its IPs, so each brand and environment should have its own API URL/token integration ready. We are using this integration with other customers that also require often firewall updates, and it's proven to work very well.