Handling events

Last updated

What is the event system#

Please contact your CSM/PSM to enable it and for further information. The Integration API queries and AMS page are always available, but events are not generated until the system is enabled internally.

Integration GraphQL API exposes a stream of events to the interested parties. When anything in Centra is changed, there will be events you can listen to. This will allow you to:

  • know what changed since your last synchronization, so that you can fetch only changed data selectively,
  • avoid periodical polling for new data of each type.

For example, when a new order is created by Checkout API or from any other source, there will be an event of “object type” Order and “change type” CREATED, and your integration will see it as soon as the events are fetched by the new query events (see below).

The object type means “what was changed”. It’s an object you can fetch using a GQL query. The full list of available object types is defined in the EventObjectType enum.

The change type is “how it was changed”. The list of change types is the EventChangeType enum. While CREATED, UPDATED, and DELETED are self-explanatory, it’s worth telling more about the others:

  • COMPLETED - only a few objects can have this type, those that have “Completed” status: Order, Shipment, Return, PurchaseOrder, PurchaseDelivery. When these objects move to the Completed status, technically, it’s an update, but since there is a special logic for them, we provide a new change type.
  • DEPENDENT_DATA_CHANGED - this type is caused by indirect changes: when an entity itself is not changed, but another entity that has a logical connection got some updates. For example, a change in ProductMedia (an image is updated) will also trigger a Product, connected ProductVariant, and Display which have this media.

Differences from the SOAP queue#

For those who are familiar with our SOAP API queue, it might be important to know the differences between them:

  • SOAP API supports a limited set of objects, while the new Events system supports all of them,
  • SOAP API returns events data in a predefined, non-configurable way, the Events system is built in the GQL API that gives all the advantages of GQL,
  • The Events system is more granular in terms of change types,
  • In the Events system, you have full control over what you want to populate the queue with,
  • SOAP API provides only one way of filtering the events: by market. In the new system, there are more fields to filter by: market, store, object type, change type.

How to enable the system#

For now, the system is enabled on environments on demand. Please contact your CSM/PSM to enable it. The Integration API queries and AMS page are always available, but events are not generated until the system is enabled internally. Please note, the system is enabled per environment, not per account, i.e. it should be done separately for QA and production environments.

After it’s enabled, you need to prepare your API token.

Event queues are connected to an integration. It’s defined for your API token on the API tokens page. The integration should reflect the name and purpose of the integration this token is a part of. For example, "Migration from SOAP" or "Google feed generation".

Please note, you can have multiple tokens with the same integration name. In this case, these tokens will share the same event queue.

Also, your token should have two new permissions: Event:read and Event:write.

How to use it#

There are four steps:

  • Set listeners
  • Fetch events
  • Process events (on your end)
  • Confirm events

Set listeners#

Management of the listeners is performed by setEventListeners and unsetEventListeners. Example:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 mutation setEventListeners { setEventListeners(input: [ # No "changeTypes" means all types {objectType: Product} {objectType: Order} {objectType: Return, changeTypes: [CREATED, COMPLETED]} {objectType: AdminUser, changeTypes: [DELETED]} {objectType: ProductVariant, changeTypes: [DELETED, DEPENDENT_DATA_CHANGED]} ]) { eventListeners { objectType changeTypes createdAt updatedAt } userErrors { message path } userWarnings { message path } } }

After executing this mutation, your integration will be subscribed to the listed types. It means, when these objects are affected, the queue will receive new events of these object and change types.

If you send this mutation with different change types, it won’t override the existing one, but only add new change types. For example, a new call:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 mutation setEventListeners { setEventListeners(input: [ {objectType: AdminUser, changeTypes: [CREATED]} ]) { *same as above* } }

...will only add CREATED to the list of change types, so it will include DELETED and CREATED. The other object types will remain unchanged.

If you are no longer interested in receiving updates on some object or change types, use unsetEventListeners. Please note, it will result in deleting all queued events of these types.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 mutation unsetEventListeners { unsetEventListeners(input: [ # It will unsubscribe from CREATED only {objectType: AdminUser, changeTypes: [CREATED]} # It will unsubscribe from all change types, # meanining the object type will completely be deleted from the queue {objectType: Return} ]) { # It will return affected, but not deleted listeners eventListeners { objectType changeTypes createdAt updatedAt } userErrors { message path } userWarnings { message path } } }

The mutations are idempotent, you can execute them as many times as you want.

To know what your integration is subscribed to, use the eventListeners query:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 query eventListeners { eventListeners { integrationName objectType changeTypes createdAt updatedAt } }

Fetch events#

Use the new events query to get new not confirmed events. The query always returns the oldest events.

After they are processed, they must be confirmed by calling the confirmEvents mutation (the fourth step). Otherwise, the repetitive calls of the query will be returning the same events.

You can filter by object type and change type for all types of events, and additionally filter by store and market for events that are related to them. If a token is restricted to a given store, events related to other stores will not be visible to it.

An example of receiving Product events:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 fragment eventFields on Event { id objectType changeType objectReference createdAt store {id} market {id} } query productEvents { events(where: {objectType: [Product]}) { ...eventFields object { __typename # Use fragments to get data of the object ...on Product { id status productNumber } } } }

Pay attention to __typename__ - this is a special GQL field that contains a name of a type of a given event. In the example above, it will be Product and Collection accordingly. It might be helpful to determine what exact types you fetch to add the fragments for them.

If you want to receive all the events in a single query, you can use aliases to differentiate the data of objects. Otherwise, there will be name collisions.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 query eventsInSingleQuery { events { ...eventFields object { __typename ...on Product { productId: id productStatus: status productNumber } ...on Collection { collectionId: id collectionStatus: status collectionName: name } } } }

Also, you can use multiple queries inside one call. This solution is slower, but if the receiving fields are not expensive (like stock levels or many nested objects), the difference should not be significant compared to the previous examples.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 query multipleQueries { productEvents: events (where: {objectType: [Product]}) { ...eventFields object { ...on Product { id status productNumber } } } collectionEvents: events (where: {objectType: [Collection]}) { ...eventFields object { ...on Collection { id status name } } } }

An example of filters:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 query completedEventsOfSpecificStoreAndMarket { events( where: { objectType: [Order, Shipment, Return], changeType: [COMPLETED], storeId: 1, marketId: 2 } limit: 200 ) { ...eventFields objectOrder: object { ...on Order { id } } objectShipment: object { ...on Shipment { id } } objectReturn: object { ...on Return { id } } } }

Please note, object is always the current state of a given object, not a historical view at the moment this event was registered.

Also, object will be null for deleted objects (changeType: DELETED).

How often you should fetch the events depends on your needs and server capabilities. In some cases, it can once a few minutes or hours, but we don’t recommend running it every couple of seconds. Once a minute, most likely, won’t significantly affect server performance. If you’re not sure about the frequency, please contact us.

Process events#

This is what you do on your end after fetching the events: cache invalidation, synchronization with 3rd parties, static page generation, etc.

Confirm events#

Once you processed events, you must confirm it by the mutation:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 mutation confirmEvents { confirmEvents(input: { # IDs are from the `events` query above (event.id) eventsIds: [1, 2, 3, 100] }) { userErrors { message path } userWarnings { message path } } }

It is extremely important to confirm the processed events. Any missed event will be stuck in the queue forever, and if you don't do this at all, the query to get events will always return only old events. If you didn’t do any processing (e.g. an invalid or test order), you still should confirm the event.

In terms of performance, it’s better to send events in batches (as in the example). The easiest way is to just provide the same list of IDs fetched by the events query. If you received 72 events by the query, just put these 72 events into confirmEvents. It’s also important to confirm the events even in case of errors on your side. For example, if you successfully processed 35 events out of the 72 you fetched, you should confirm these 35, and the rest will be kept in the queue.

Please pay great attention to this stage, we saw many cases when careless implementation or ignoring it at all led to broken integrations.