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How do Subscriptions work in Centra?#

Merchant is allowed to setup a subscription plan to select an interval and which product variants should be available in such plan. This can be done via AMS. Once a shopper checks out a product variant available in subscription plan, they can decide to enroll into subscription plan for this variant. It is not mandatory and you can mix subscription and non-subscription variants in one basket. You can even have the same variant in different (including none) subscription plans in one basket. Upon checkout shopper can't decide on the start date of the subscription - they start immediately.

During payment process Centra will detect if there are subscribed products in the basket and will handle payment process accordingly. There is no need to modify anything on frontend side. It might however be required to review and reconfigure Payment Service Provider settings to allow for recurring or tokenized payments. Contact PSP's support for further details.

Common parts#

Getting subscription plans is pretty much the same for ShopAPI(GET /api/shop/products) and CheckoutAPI(GET /api/checkout/products).

For each product there is one new field - subscriptionPlans of type array.


subscriptionPlans field content example for product with defined 5 subscription plans:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 [ { "id": "1", "name": "1 month subscription", "intervalValue": "1", "intervalType": "month", "discountPercent": 10 }, { "id": "2", "name": "3 months subscription", "intervalValue": "3", "intervalType": "month", "discountPercent": 10 }, { "id": "3", "name": "1 year subscription", "intervalValue": "1", "intervalType": "year", "discountPercent": 10 }, { "id": "4", "name": "6 months subscription", "intervalValue": "6", "intervalType": "month", "discountPercent": 10 }, { "id": "5", "name": "2 weeks subscription", "intervalValue": "2", "intervalType": "week", "discountPercent": 10 } ]

Fields description:#

  • id is unique number representing subscription plan,
  • name is subscription plan name defined when creating subscription plan,
  • intervalValue is a numeric field specifying the number of units of time,
  • intervalType is a string representing the unit of time used; can be any of: day, week, month or year,
  • discountPercent is a numeric value of flat rate discount set on the subscription plan.

Subscription contract#

While working with subscriptions it is essential to grasp the concept of subscription contract. This is what binds together all the things: the customer, the payment method, shipping address and a set of products the customer subscribed to. Each checkout event generates one subscription contract that may contain multiple subscriptions.


Each product (or bundle) added to the contract is called "subscription". One subscription always means one item of deliverables (product or bundle). Subscription has it's own delivery schedule that can be modified (if current plans allow that). If deliveries of multiple subscriptions in one contract fall on the same day they will be shipped as one order.

Subscription payment#

Subscription payment is a property of subscription contract which is necessary for recurring order placement. It is created as a result of subscription checkout, exactly like subscription contract or as a result of subscription payment update.

It may have one of the three statuses:

  1. Active - Can be used to place recurring order successfully
  2. Pending - Cannot be used to place recurring order yet. Centra is waiting for asynchronous Payment Service Provider response to obtain valid tokenized payment information.
  3. Failed - Cannot be used to place recurring order. Tokenization of payment information has failed.

Subscription payment can be updated on subscription contract (example use case - credit card expiration). A single subscription payment can be connected to many subscription contracts that belong to the same customer. Only one active subscription payment can be connected to a particular subscription contract.

Checking out#

Checkout process is the same when it comes to implementation, you can read more in Checkout API Order flow guide. The only difference is that the customer has to be a registered client in order to be able to subscribe to an item. The user can log in before the checkout or create the account during the checkout. Keep in mind that it is only possible to create an account if the email is not already associated with any created account. If the account with given email already exists it is mandatory to log in before checking out with a subscription.

Subscription management#

Once subscription is created it is possible to browse customer's subscriptions as well as manage their state and shipping address or change subscription plan. Keep in mind that shipping country cannot be changed. If the customer wishes to change destination country they have to cancel the subscription and check out again with new address.

Changing interval

Interval on which items should be delivered can only be changed if the same item is currently available in a subscription plan. One can choose any of currently available plans. Keep in mind that all plan's properties will be transferred to subscribed item: interval and discount. Each subscription can have its own interval and they can be modified separately.

Once the subscription interval is changed it will remain the same regardless of changes to the original subscription plan, eg.:

  • Subscription Plan A is set to 1 month interval with 10% discount.
  • Subscription with id 100 is changed to that plan, so from the next order date it will be sent monthly with 10% discount.
  • After that the plan A is changed to 4 weeks with 15% discount.
  • Subscription id 100 still is sent monthly (not every 4 weeks) and contains 10% discount (not 15%).

Switching the interval for existing subscription will take place on the next scheduled order date. For example, for a monthly subscription that renews on 10th day of the month:

  • Order is created on Jan 10, next order is scheduled on Feb 10.
  • The consumer decides to switch to tri-monthly on Jan 20.
  • The next order is created on Feb 10 (as scheduled originally), and next order after that will happen on May 10 (in 3 months).

Changing status

Subscription might be paused at any given time with no consequences. In such case orders are not generated if they fall on the send interval. After resuming the subscription next send interval will be calculated and orders will resume from that interval. No items will be shipped to make up for pause period. When you cancel a subscription it is not possible to bring it back. When all contract's subscriptions are cancelled then payment details will be purged for safety reasons. Be careful not to cancel all subscriptions if you plan to have this contract going in the future.

Changing address

Address is set on contract level and therefore it is only possible to change shipping address for all subscriptions on that contract. It is only possible to change address inside the same destination country as original subscription order. If the shopper wishes to ship subscription to a different country they have to cancel the current subscription and check out with subscribed items again in different country.

Adding new subscription to a contract

Once the customer has created a contract with appropriate shipping address and a valid payment method it is possible to add new items to that contract. They will be shipped according to their own interval starting from the provided date. New subscription cannot start sooner than the next day. It is only possible to add an item that currently belongs to some subscription plan. If the product is not currently added to a subscription plan then one cannot add it to a contract (even it it was possible before).

When adding subscription to a contract one has to provide:

  • the plan for this subscription,
  • date when this subscription starts,
  • quantity of products subscribed for.

Changing subscription quantity

The customer is allowed to subscribe to more than one unit of the product if she or he wishes. During subscription lifetime it is also possible to adjust that quantity. It is always possible do decrease the quantity down to 1. If the customer wishes to change product quantity to 0 they should pause or cancel the subscription.

It is only possible to increase the product quantity if the subscribed item is still available in the same plan with the same plan properties (discount, interval). If any of those values is changed one should add a subscription to a contract instead.


We assume configured url for ShopAPI is /api/shop/.

Adding items with subscription plan to basket#

Adding an item with subscription to basket is the same as usual, using POST /api/shop/selections/{{selection}}/items/{{item}}. In the request body, we specify the subscription plan we want to use:

1 2 3 { "subscriptionPlan": {{subscriptionPlanId}} }

Adding subscription plan to existing item#

PUT /api/shop/selections/{{selection}}/lines/{{selectionLineItem}}/subscription-plan/{{subscriptionPlanId}}

Deleting subscription plan from item#

DELETE /api/shop/selections/{{selection}}/lines/{{selectionLineItem}}/subscription-plan/

Log in#

Log the customer into your system. You can verify the customer credentials in POST /api/shop/customers/{{email}}/login. Once you have the customer authenticated you should indicate that in POST /api/shop/selections/{{selectionId}}/payment request by adding loggedIn property:

1 2 3 4 5 { "address": { "loggedIn": true } }


If the email address is not taken by a registered customer then it is possible to register during checkout by adding registration specific fields to POST /api/shop/selections/{{selectionId}}/payment request:

1 2 3 4 5 6 { "address": { "register": true, "password": "password for the user" } }

Browsing subscriptions#

Customer's current subscriptions can be listed using POST /customers/{{email}}/subscriptions endpoint. Because Shop API works in stateless manner you do not have to log in as customer. Authorization should be handled by frontend. Subscriptions are grouped by the contract they belong to.

Changing contract address#

To edit shipping address you have to provide the contract id that will be modified and use Shop API endpoint PUT /subscription/address. You should provide a customer for which you modify the contract.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 { "customer": "", "contract": 1, "firstName": "First Name", "lastName": "Last Name", "address1": "Address1", "address2": "Address2", "zipCode": "12345", "city": "City", "phoneNumber": "123123123", "email": "" }

Changing interval#

Changing subscription interval is only possible by providing a new subscription plan id. All plan properties will be copied onto subscription: PUT /subscription/interval

1 2 3 4 { "subscription": 123, "subscriptionPlan": 32 }

Changing status#

Status modifications use a PUT /subscription/status endpoint. Supported options are: paused, active and cancelled. You need to provide a subscription id as well as new status:

1 2 3 4 { "subscription": 1, "status": "active" }

Adding subscription#

(Since v3.15) To add a new subscription you have to specify the customer and the contract to which it is added to, as well as provide the product (display item and size), plan and start date for this subscription. Here is an example:

POST '/api/shop/customers/{email}/contracts/{contract}/subscription

1 2 3 4 5 { "item": "132-13", "subscriptionPlan": 2, "nextOrderDate": "2022-07-01" }

Changing quantity#

(Since v3.15) It is enough to provide a quantity (no less than 1). If the item is no longer available in the same subscription plan, or subscription plan parameters have changed you will not be able to change the quantity. The contract must match the customer as well as the subscription.

PUT '/api/shop/customers/{email}/contracts/{contract}/subscription/{subscription}

1 2 3 { "quantity": 2 }

Fetching available stored payment methods#

(Since v3.13) To fetch available payment methods that can be used for subscription payment update use Shop API endpoint POST /api/shop/customers/{{email}}/stored/payment-methods. In the request body, send the subscription contract that you want to update. Centra will run the validations using the customer and specified subscription contract information and respond with available payment methods list.

1 2 3 { "contract": 1 }

Subscription payment update initialization#

(Since v3.13) To initialize subscription payment update use Shop API endpoint POST /api/shop/customers/{{email}}/stored/payment. This endpoint behaves similarly as the endpoint for initiating standard checkout. In the request body, you should send an array of subscription contract ids that you want to update with new subscription payment. Contracts need to belong to a single customer. Selected payment method needs to be available to use on each of the specified contracts.

1 2 3 4 5 6 { "contracts": [1,2,3], "paymentMethod": "kco3", "paymentReturnPage": "", "paymentFailedPage": "" }

In a response you will receive action property indicating what should be done with the response. In the attached example the action property equals form, which means that you're supposed to render HTML snippet that is available under formHtml key on the frontend page for the customer to proceed with their payment.

1 2 3 4 { "action": "form", "formHtml": "<div id=\"klarna-checkout-container\" (...) </div>" }

Subscription payment update result#

(Since v3.13) To finalize subscription payment update use Shop API endpoint POST /api/shop/customers/{{email}}/stored/payment-result. This endpoint behaves similarly as the endpoint for finalizing standard checkout. When the customer comes back to the website from the payment method and ends up on "paymentReturnPage" the website is supposed to send all variables it got to our API to stored/payment-result. In the request body, you should send an object with all the key/value properties coming from PSP under "paymentMethodFields" key.

1 2 3 4 5 6 { "paymentMethodFields": { "centraPaymentMethod":"kco3", "order_id": "7288f118-a63d-4ec2-2137-e36ac0e1445f" } }

In the response, the "Thank you page" HTML snippet coming from Payment Service Provider will be available under paymentHtml key and can be rendered for the customer on the receipt page.

1 2 3 4 5 { "status": "ok", "paymentHtml": "<div id=\"klarna-checkout-container\" (...) </div>", "contractIds": [1, 2, 3] }

After receiving the response, the update should be reflected on the subscription contract response. The status of subscription payment indicates whether it can be used for recurring order placement.


We assume configured url for CheckoutAPI is /api/checkout/.

Adding items to basket#

After creating selection or adding items to selection the usual way, we can add subscription plan for that item using:

PUT /api/checkout/lines/{{lineItem}}/subscription-plan/{{subscriptionPlanId}}

We can also add subscription plan without item into basked using POST /api/checkout/items/{{item}} with body:

1 2 3 { "subscriptionPlan": {{subscriptionPlanId}} }

Deleting subscription plan from item#

DELETE /api/checkout/lines/{{subscriptionLineItem}}/subscription-plan/

Log in#

Log the customer into your system. You can verify the customer credentials in POST /api/checkout/login/{{email}}. If the credentials are correct the customer will be logged in in current shopping session (for current API-Token).


If the email address is not taken by a registered customer then it is possible to register during checkout by adding registration specific fields to POST /api/checkout/selections/{{selectionId}}/payment request:

1 2 3 4 5 6 { "address": { "register": true, "password": "password for the user" } }

Browsing subscriptions#

Customer's current subscriptions can be listed using POST /customer/subscriptions endpoint. Because Checkout API maintains user session, you can only access that endpoint once you are logged in.

Changing contract address#

To edit shipping address you have to provide the contract id that will be modified and use Ceckout API endpoint PUT /subscriptions/address.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 { "contract": 1, "firstName": "First Name", "lastName": "Last Name", "address1": "Address1", "address2": "Address2", "zipCode": "12345", "city": "City", "phoneNumber": "123123123", "email": "" }

Changing interval#

Changing subscription interval is only possible by providing a new subscription plan id. All plan properties will be copied onto subscription: PUT /subscription/interval

1 2 3 4 { "subscription": 123, "subscriptionPlan": 32 }

Changing status#

Status modifications use a PUT /subscription/status endpoint. Supported options are: paused, active and cancelled. You need to provide a subscription id as well as new status:

1 2 3 4 { "subscription": 1, "status": "active" }

Adding subscription#

(Since v3.15) To add a new subscription you have to specify which contract should it be added to, as well as provide the product (display item and size), plan and start date for this subscription. You have to log the customer in first. Here is an example:

POST '/api/checkout/customer/contracts/{contract}/subscription

1 2 3 4 5 { "item": "132-13", "subscriptionPlan": 2, "nextOrderDate": "2022-07-01" }

Changing quantity#

(Since v3.15) Changing quantity requires logged in customer as well. It is enough to provide a quantity (no less than 1). If the item is no longer available in the same subscription plan, or subscription plan parameters have changed you will not be able to change the quantity.

PUT '/api/checkout/customer/contracts/{contract}/subscription/{subscription}

1 2 3 { "quantity": 2 }

Fetching available stored payment methods#

(Since v3.13) To fetch available payment methods that can be used for subscription payment update use Checkout API endpoint POST /api/checkout/customer/stored/payment-methods. In the request body, send the subscription contract that you want to update. Centra will run the validations using the customer and specified subscription contract information and respond with available payment methods list.

1 2 3 { "contract": 1 }

Subscription payment update initialization#

(Since v3.13) To initialize subscription payment update use Checkout API endpoint POST /api/checkout/customer/stored/payment. This endpoint behaves similarly as the endpoint for initiating standard checkout. In the request body, you should send an array of subscription contract ids that you want to update with new subscription payment. Contracts need to belong to a single customer. Selected payment method needs to be available to use on each of the specified contracts.

1 2 3 4 5 6 { "contracts": [1,2,3], "paymentMethod": "kco3", "paymentReturnPage": "", "paymentFailedPage": "" }

In a response you will receive action property indicating what should be done with the response. In the attached example the action property equals form, which means that you're supposed to render HTML snippet that is available under formHtml key on the frontend page for the customer to proceed with their payment.

1 2 3 4 5 { "token": "aeea9561d2653df51017ccdac3cdac38", "action": "form", "formHtml": "<div id=\"klarna-checkout-container\" (...)" }

Subscription payment update result#

(Since v3.13) To finalize subscription payment update use Checkout API endpoint POST /api/checkout/customer/stored/payment-result. This endpoint behaves similarly as the endpoint for finalizing standard checkout. When the customer comes back to the website from the payment method and ends up on "paymentReturnPage" the website is supposed to send all variables it got to our API to stored/payment-result. In the request body, you should send an object with all the key/value properties coming from PSP under "paymentMethodFields" key.

1 2 3 4 5 6 { "paymentMethodFields": { "centraPaymentMethod":"kco3", "order_id": "7288f118-a63d-4ec2-2137-e36ac0e1445f" } }

In the response, the "Thank you page" HTML snippet coming from Payment Service Provider will be available under paymentHtml key and can be rendered for the customer on the receipt page.

1 2 3 4 5 6 { "token": "aeea9561d2653df51017ccdac3cdac38", "status": "ok", "paymentHtml": "<div id=\"klarna-checkout-container\" (...) </div>", "contractIds": [1, 2, 3] }

After receiving the response, the update should be reflected on the subscription contract response. The status of subscription payment indicates whether it can be used for recurring order placement.